Views: Publication - East Asian Seas Congress
  • Proceedings of the workshop on Turning Blue: The Role of Cities in Forwarding Blue Carbon Solutions towards Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (EASC2018 Session 1 Workshop 2)

    Attended by at least 42 participants representing local government units, national government agencies, academe, private sector, local communities, and other key stakeholder groups, the session aimed to revisit the important role that local governments play in designing and implementing innovative blue carbon solutions. The activity became a venue to discuss and share strategies and programs towards integrated marine resource management.

    Fostering an interactive and dynamic interaction amongst the participants, the session employed the Marketplace Activity approach. The resource speakers presented posters highlighting the blue carbon solutions that they are implementing in their respective localities. To enable the participants to directly engage and discuss with the speakers, the plenary was divided into groups and each group was given the chance to visit each poster station. As a culminating activity, the resource speakers and the participants gathered for a panel discussion that summarized the highlights of the session. The panel discussion was also a venue for the participants to express additional questions, insights, ideas, and other pertinent feedback related to the topic of the session.

    Key learnings from the workshop centered on recognizing the importance of community participation. The resource speakers noted that local governments should always encourage and solicit the engagement and cooperation of its stakeholders, particularly the local communities who can be tapped as stewards of the marine ecosystems. In addition, the session also put premium on the enforcement of the laws and policies in place. The participants and the speakers agree that ordinances pertaining to fishing activities, harvesting of marine resource, pollution, and others should be strictly enforced at all times. The local government should allocate resources to support the operations of local enforcement groups such as the Bantay Dagat.

    Another theme of the discussions is linkages and partnership building. Recognizing that the effects of climate change know no boundaries, the local governments maintained that partnership building with neighboring municipalities, national agencies, academe, private sector, and others is a strategic approach to integrated marine resource management. Inter-LGU cooperation and networking also scales up blue carbon solutions and allows them to pool their resources to expand the coverage of their initiative. A good example for this is the Oriental Mindoro Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network, a province-wide effort to uphold and preserve the biophysical integrity of the seas of Oriental Mindoro.

    As a knowledge sharing session, the participants and the resource speakers also discussed key points and considerations for replication of the presented strategies. The resource speakers noted that municipalities should assess their challenges, context, and priorities first before they design their own blue carbon initiatives.


  • Proceedings of the workshop onLarge Marine Ecosystems: An engine for achieving SDG 14 (EASC2018 Session 4 Workshop 4)

    In 1995, the Global Environment Facility adopted the concept of Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) — the majority of which are transboundary — as a conceptual and biogeographic framework for promoting sustainable, ecosystem-based management of the world’s oceans and coasts. The LME approach promotes the creation of new and/or reformed institutions, the reform and implementation of marine resource and environmental management policies and legislation, and the leveraging of public and private sector investment for LME restoration and protection. At a regional scale, the GEF has supported 23 of the 66 recognized Large Marine Ecosystems in which multiple countries collaborate on strategic, long-term ocean governance of transboundary resources.

    The Yellow Sea, South China Sea, East China Sea, Sulu-Celebes, Indonesian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Thailand are seven LMEs of great ecological and economic importance to the region. The relationships developed through shared project implementation and coordination enables various LME partnerships to help countries incorporate the various SDG14 targets into existing dialogue and policy. Moreover, the forum provided by LMEs encourages important dialogues, emphasizes the exchange of experience and results, provides a focus to scale up existing investments, and catalysis resources towards the achievement of SDG14 targets.

    Drawing on the LME experience, this partnership hub not only offered a brief introduction to the Asian LME portfolio in the context of SDG14, but more importantly it highlighted proven approaches that have succeeded in reversing and reducing impacts using integrated ecosystem-based approaches to sustainable ocean and coastal management at both a local and multi-country scale.


  • Proceedings of the workshop on Capitalizing Upon Blue Economy Potentials for Achieving SDG 14 (EASC2018 Session 7 Workshop 1)

    The Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF) convened a Partnership Hub track 7 Session 1 entitled “Capitalizing upon Blue Economy Potentials for Achieving SDG14” at Conference Room 7 from 13:30-17:30 on Wednesday 27 November 2019.


  • Proceedings of the workshop on Catalyzing Improved Source-to-Sea (S2S) Governance, Management and Investment in East Asia and Southeast Asia (EASC2018 Session 2 Workshop 4)

    Ecosystems along a continuum from source-to-sea are being degraded as an unintended consequence of economic activities that might happen far upstream or downstream in the source-to-sea system (Granit. J. et al, 2017). This is happening primarily for two reasons: 1) lack of awareness and understanding of the land-to-sea ecosystem linkages and flows of water, sediment, pollutants, biota and ecosystem services; and 2) lack of capacity and know-how to avoid or mitigate the interconnected threats and negative impacts coming from multiple sectors and multiple resource users. The impacts of climate change currently add further stresses in river basins and coastal and sea areas in most regions of the world. It is clearly evident that the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) include a number of targets (e.g., SDG 2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and15) that are directly dependent upon the ability of governments and their partners to overcome these barriers.

    A related overarching concern is that water use among East Asian and Southeast Asian countries is growing rapidly, while water quality and quantity challenges persist in such a way that the situation in some areas has threatened to derail economic growth. Increased population has intensified freshwater usage, both surface and ground water. Water demand is increasing drastically due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and agriculture/food production intensification and expansion, and many areas in the region are projected to be water stressed by 2025 (Lee 2013).

    These two issues are inseparably linked and require urgent attention.

    The S2S Partnership Hub Dialogue session aimed to:

    1. enhance S2S awareness by sharing the experiences and perspectives of policymakers, managers and practitioners at the regional, national and local levels;
    2. identify priority demands, opportunities and challenges for further development and up-scaling of S2S solutions across the region;
    3. explore and gather inputs on a regional approach to S2S, including potential value-add, focus areas, content, partners, etc. and, in doing so, confirm interest and informal endorsement of next steps.
  • Proceedings of the workshop on Satellite Observation Data-based systems for improved coastal and marine management: moving from research to services (EASC2018 Session 5 Workshop 2)

    Earth observations from space can provide unique and cost-effective information to greatly aid sustainable marine management in the East Asian Seas region. This is demonstrated through developments of scientific integration into services allowing actionable intelligence to end-users, such as those in fisheries and aquaculture, marine planning, water quality monitoring, maritime security, oil spill preparedness and response, and environmental protection.

    The sessions specifically aimed to identify opportunities for the application or further integration of Earth Observation (EO) data, including training for the use of Earth Observation data to support future SDS-SEA (Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia) actions.


  • Proceedings of the Gulf of Thailand workshop on the use of chemical dispersants and oil spill contingency planning at the sub-regional level (EASC2018 Special Session)

    The Gulf of Thailand (GOT) workshop on the Use of Chemical Dispersants and Oil Spill Contingency Planning at the Sub-regional Level was successfully conducted on November 28, 2018 at Iloilo Convention Center, Iloilo City, Philippines.

    The Workshop was attended by nineteen (19) representatives from the GOT national contact points and relevant agencies of Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam and partner organizations from the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), IMO-IPIECA Global Initiative for South East Asia (GI-SEA) and ITOPF.


  • EAS Congress 2018 Daily Bulletin Day 2

    EAS Congress 2018 Daily Bulletin for 28 November 2018.


  • EAS Congress 2018 Daily Bulletin Day 1

    EAS Congress 2018 Daily Bulletin for 27 November 2018.


  • East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2018 Program

    The upcoming East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress celebrates 25 years of partnerships for healthy oceans, people and economies.

    Application forms to organize Partnership Hubs may be found here.

    Information on EAS Congress registration and other arrangements will be released soon.