Integrated River Basin Management Project
Project Information
Implementing Agency: UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub
Executing Agency: PEMSEA Resource Facility
Funding Institution: Global Environment Facility
Participating ASEAN Member States: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam
Project duration: 5 years (January 2023 to December 2027)
Project Grant: USD 8,479,123
Project Co-financing: USD 106,985,192
The year 2023 marks the beginning of a breakthrough collaboration among six ASEAN member states (AMS) and development partners in Southeast Asia for the protection and management of select priority river basins that drain into four large marine ecosystems in the Southeast Asian Region: the Bay of Bengal, South China Sea, Gulf of Thailand and Indonesian Sea.
Guided by the principle of source-to-sea system, the five-year regional project, Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) in ASEAN Countries, or IRBM Project, aims to establish functional IRBM mechanisms in priority river basins in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam for reducing pollution and sustaining freshwater environmental flows as well as adapting to climate change vulnerabilities.
The IRBM project is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of Asia (PEMSEA) Resource Facility, in collaboration with ASEAN.
Project Goal
To establish functional integrated river basin management mechanisms in priority river basins of six ASEAN countries for reducing pollution and sustaining freshwater environmental flows as well as adapting to climate change vulnerabilities.
This will be achieved through the application of a solution-oriented approach that combines:
- Efforts to improve understanding of the various source-to-sea governance, socioeconomic, ecological conditions, gaps and needs in the seven priority river basins and associated coastal areas;
- Implement pilot projects aimed at providing on-the-ground solutions to identified key issues in the seven priority river basins using proven templates to support replication and scaling up, and
- Hands-on training, experience building and information sharing in participatory planning, development and implementation of IRBM governance and management solutions across the 6 ASEAN countries.
Download the project brief here.
Project Publications
Integrated River Basin Management Project Newsletter - Edition 3
"Collaboration Beyond Boundaries" is the third edition of the Integrated River Basin Management Project, which highlights the coming together of governments and partners from ASEAN member states for the regional workshop on the State of River Basin and the 2nd Regional Steering Committee Meeting. Cooperation among national and local partners continue to drive the implementation of the Project in four priority river basins while the remaining three are gearing for implementation in the second half of 2024.
GEF/UNDP/ASEAN IRBM Project: GESI Analysis Report
Envisioned to guide in mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in IRBM Project implementation, the report provides information and perspectives on the GESI context (or gender and social similarities and differences) in the participating river basins in the ASEAN region, including the gendered impact of development challenges such as water scarcity and pollution, waste management, disasters, climate change, etc. as experienced by women, men and vulnerable populations living in and around the project sites. The report also suggests ways forward to enhance and mainstream GESI into work plans and budgets at the river basin level, a process that will be supported by the project.
Integrated River Basin Management Project Newsletter - Edition 2
With the title "Connection and Voices: Setting the Sail in 2024," the second edition of the Integrated River Basin Management Project Newsletter highlighted the promotion of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) to ensure a more inclusive approach in the implementation of all project components. Hear from the voices of community and local partners on the issues confronting the river basins in their respective countries, and the importance of representing the marginalised and more vulnerable sectors in the community.
Integrated River Basin Management Project Newsletter - Edition 1
2023 marks the beginning of a breakthrough collaboration among six ASEAN member states (AMS) and development partners in Southeast Asia for the protection and management of select priority river basins that drain into four large marine ecosystems in the Southeast Asian Region, the Bay of Bengal, South China Sea, Gulf of Thailand and Indonesian Sea. This year, the Integrated River Basin Management Project saw the project inception and establishment of the governance mechanism at the regional level, including the establishment of the Regional Project Management Unit at PRF and the approval and adoption of the 2023 workplan and budget. The six AMS proceeded in securing approval of the project in line with their respective government policies and procedures and initiated consultations at national and river basin levels to discuss the project’s implementing arrangements. Regional activities were also initiated including the development of State of River Basin Reporting Guidelines, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Analysis, capacity development activities, and knowledge management and communication outreach.
IRBM: Proceedings of the Ad-hoc Regional Steering Committee Meeting
The Ad-hoc Regional Steering Committee (RSC) meeting of the GEF/UNDP/ASEAN Project on Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management in ASEAN Countries (IRBM Project) was held on November 24, 2023 via video conference (Zoom).
The meeting was co-chaired by Dr. Inthavy Akkharath, Chair of the ASEAN Working Group on Water Resources Management (AWGWRM) and Mr. Gerd Trogemann, Manager of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bangkok Regional Hub. RSC members representing the National Focal Points (NFPs) of the AWGWRM from 6 participating ASEAN Member States (AMS), namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam, the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC), the East Asian Seas Executive Committee (EAS EC) and UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific and Bangkok Regional Hub attended the meeting.
The Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU), hosted by PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF), served as Secretariat to the RSC.