Proceedings of the workshop on From One to Many: Managing MPA Networks for a Collaborative and Adaptive Marine Biodiversity Conservation Actions (EASC2018 Session 4 Workshop 2)


Friday, November 30, 2018


Meeting Documents


Only Available Online


The session highlighted the initiatives of the SMARTSeas PH Project in crafting the national marine protected area (MPA) network policy framework, and the development of monitoring, evaluation, reporting and feedback (MERF) framework for MPA network (MPAN).

The discussion focused on improving the coordinating mechanisms and complementary activities of various institutions working on marine biodiversity conservation in its pilot sites. It also highlighted the importance of shared governance and collaborative management by different stakeholders in conserving biodiversity through establishing MPA network and coming up with decision support tools, which are scientifically grounded.

During the session, the Competence Assessment Tool was also launched. The tool is part of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for MPA network to measure effectiveness of the networks in addressing threats, improving conditions of reef and fish communities, and monitoring gains and benefits to people.

Overall, the session was held to provide a venue for management organizations, scientific community, and the general public to share initiatives, innovative research, and ideas to progress current initiatives to a holistic and interoperable system.