PEMSEA NETWORK OF LEARNING CENTERS (PNLC) 2024 Executive Committee Meeting Proceedings
The document contains the proceedings from the PNLC Executive Committee (EC) held 22 July 2024 in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.
The meeting was participated in by the President and Vice-President of the PNLC, the PEMSEA Executive Director the PNLC Secretariat from IPB and the PEMSEA Resource Facility. The agenda included:
· Review of the PNLC Workplan
· PNLC Secretariat Turnover MOA to CCMRS-IPB
· Updates and plans on PNLC Financial Sustainability Efforts
· New PNLC Membership Applications
· PNLG-PNLC Joint Session at the EAS Congress 2024
· 4th PNLC General Assembly AgendaThe meeting was organized jointly by the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) and the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (CCMRS) of the IPB University, Indonesia with support from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines.
Proceedings of the Thirty Second Meeting of the Executive Committee
The 32nd PEMSEA Executive Committee (EC) Meeting was conducted virtually on 19 March 2024 via Zoom. Participants of the meeting included the EC members , particularly the Chair and Co-Chair, Intergovernmental Session Chair and Co-Chair, the Technical Session Chair of the EAS Partnership Council (PC), and the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF). Observers from the China PEMSEA Center, Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Cambodia, and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines also attended the meeting. PRF served as the Secretariat of the meeting.
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/32/DOC/01a List of meeting documents EC/32/DOC/01b Provisional agenda EC/32/DOC/02 Updates on the EAS Asian Seas Congress 2024 EC/32/DOC/02a Provisional Structure of the EAS Asian Seas Congress 2024 EC/32/DOC/03 Development of the 8th Ministerial Declaration EC/32/DOC/03a Concept Note and Draft Zero of the 8th MF EC/32/DOC/04 Global Trends and Opportunities Impacting the EAS Region EC/32/DOC/05 Updates on the 16th EAS PC Meeting -
Proceedings of the Thirty First Meeting of the Executive Committee
The 31st PEMSEA EC Meeting was conducted virtually on 23 October 2023 via Zoom. Participants of the meeting included the EC, particularly the Chair and Co-Chair, Intergovernmental Session Chair and Co-Chair, the Technical Session Chair of the EAS Partnership Council (PC), and the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF). Observers from the China PEMSEA Center and the Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Cambodia also attended the meeting. PRF served as the secretariat of the meeting.
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/31/DOC/01a List of meeting documents EC/31/DOC/01b Provisional program EC/31/DOC/02 EAS Asian Seas Congress 2024 Theme and Timeline EC/31/DOC/02a Confirmation Letter from China to host 2024 EAS Congress EC/31/DOC/03 Updates on the PEMSEA Blue Carbon Program EC/31/DOC/03a Annex 1. PEMSEA Blue Carbon Roadmap EC/31/DOC/04 Summary Report of NCP Applicants from China EC/31/DOC/05 Optimization of EAS Partnership Council Technical Session EC/31/DOC/06 Updates on the PEMSEA Sustainability Plan -
Proceedings of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Executive Committee
The 30th EC Meeting was conducted virtually on 28 March 2023 via Zoom. Participants of the meeting included the EC, particularly the Chair, Intergovernmental Session Chair and Co-Chair, and the Technical Session Chair and Co-Chair of the EAS Partnership Council (PC) and the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF). Observers from the China PEMSEA Center and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines also attended the meeting. PRF served as the secretariat of the meeting.
Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Expanded Meeting of the Executive Committee
The 29th Expanded PEMSEA EC Meeting was held in hybrid mode on 29 November 2022. The face-to-face component was held at the DENR-BMB Training Center in Quezon City, Philippines whereas the online component was organized through Zoom. It was participated by the members of the East Asian Seas (EAS) Partnership Council (PC).
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/29/DOC/01a List of Meeting Documents EC/29/DOC/01d Provisional Agenda of the Council and Technical Sessions EC/29/DOC/02a Updates on PNLC membership EC/29/DOC/02b Documents regarding CatSU, Philippines EC/29/DOC/02c Documents regarding DLSU-D, Philippines EC/29/DOC/03 Draft PNLC Operational Plan 2022-2027 EC/29/DOC/04a Overview of the finalization of the SDS-SEA IP 2023-2027 EC/29/DOC/04b Third draft of the SDS-SEA IP 2023-2027 EC/29/DOC/04c Overview of the draft GESI Assessment and Action Plan EC/29/DOC/04d Draft GESI assessment and action plan EC/29/DOC/05 Draft Regional Strategy for Ship Biofouling Management in the EAS Region EC/29/DOC/08 Provisional agenda of the Intergovernmental Session EC/29/DOC/09 Updates on the 2022-2023 work plan and budget of PRF
Proceedings of the Twenty-eight Executive Committee Meeting
The 28th PEMSEA EC Meeting was held virtually on 24 March 2022 via Zoom. It was participated by the EC, particularly the Chair and Co-Chair, Intergovernmental Session Chair, and Technical Session Chair of the EAS Partnership Council (PC) and the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF); as well as observers from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) of China, China-PEMSEA Sustainable Coastal Management Cooperation Center (CPC), and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines. PRF served as the secretariat of the meeting.
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/28/DOC/01a List of Documents EC/28/DOC/01b Provisional program EC/28/DOC/02a Post-EASC 2021 report EC/28/DOC/02b EASC 2021 financial expenditures EC/28/DOC/03 EAS PC election guidelines and timeline EC/28/DOC/04 Status of PEMSEA NCPs EC/28/DOC/05 SDS-SEA IP 2023-2027_1st TWG Meeting summary report EC/28/DOC/06 Proposed 2022-2023 work plan & budget of the PRF EC/28/DOC/07 2022 PEMSEA calendar Draft annotated outline of the SDS-SEA IP 2023-2027
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Executive Committee Meeting
The 27th PEMSEA EC Meeting was held virtually on 26 October 2021 through a Zoom conference call. Representatives from 10 PEMSEA country partners (CPs)—namely Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, RO Korea, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam—attended the meeting along with representatives from PEMSEA non-country partners (NCPs), namely; International Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS) Center, IPIECA, Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM), Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP), Ocean Policy Research Institute – The Sasakawa Foundation (OPRI-SPF), Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), and PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG). The PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) served as the Secretariat for the meeting.
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/27/DOC/01a List of Documents EC/27/DOC/01b Zoom Meeting Guidelines EC/27/DOC/01c Provisional Annotated Agenda of the Council and Technical Sessions EC/27/DOC/02 Updates on formulating the SDS-SEA IP 2023-2027 EC/27/DOC/03 Updates on EAS Congress 2021 EC/27/DOC/04 7th EAS Ministerial Declaration EC/27/DOC/05 Updates on 7th EAS Ministerial Forum Preparations EC/27/DOC/06 Provisional Annotated Agenda of the Intergovernmental Session EC/27/DOC/07 Updates on PRF's 2021-2022 Work Plan
Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Executive Committee Meeting
The 26th EC Meeting was held virtually on 30 March 2021 via a Zoom conference call. The meeting was an expanded one and was attended by the EC members and country- and non-country partners of the East Asian Seas (EAS) Partnership in light of key decisions that need to be made on the nature and format of the EAS Congress 2021 , following the agreement of the 25th EC Meeting held on 27 October 2020. The PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) served as the secretariat for the meeting.
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/26/DOC/01a List of Documents EC/26/DOC/01b Zoom Meeting Guidelines EC/26/DOC/01c Opening Remarks EC/26/DOC/01d Provisional Annotated Agenda of the Council and Technical Session EC/26/DOC/02 2020 PEMSEA Accomplishments EC/26/DOC/03 EAS Congress 2021 EC/26/DOC/06 Provisional Annotated Agenda of the Intergovernmental Session EC/26/DOC/07 Draft Conceptual Framework for the 7th Ministerial Declaration EC/26/DOC/08 Proposed 2021-2022 Work Plan and Budget of the PRF EC/26/DOC/10 Closing remarks
Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Executive Committee Meeting
The 25th EC Meeting was conducted via Zoom on 27 October 2020. The meeting was participated by the EAS Partnership Council Chair, Mr. Arief Yuwono; Council Co-Chair, Dr. Vann Monyneath; Technical Session Chair, Dr. Jae Ryoung Oh; Technical Session Co-Chair; Dr. Keita Furukawa; and Intergovernmental Session Co-Chair, Deputy Director General (DDG) Chen Danhong. The meeting also welcomed representatives from the Cambodian Ministry of Environment (MOE), China-PEMSEA Center, Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), and the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as observers.
DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE EC/25/DOC/01a List of Documents EC/25/DOC/01b Provisional Meeting Agenda EC/25/DOC/02a Implications of COVID-19 on PEMSEA's Operations EC/25/DOC/02b Latest Country Updates on COVID-19 EC/25/DOC/02c Review on Non-Country Partner partnership arrangements 1 EC/25/DOC/02c Review on Non-Country Partner partnership arrangements 2 EC/25/DOC/03a EAS Congress 2021 Preparation Update EC/25/DOC/04 26th Executive Committee Meeting Agenda EC/25/DOC/05 Introduction to the New PRF Secretariat Coordinator