State of the Coasts of Masan Bay 2012
The 2012 State of the Coasts of Masan Bay provides a comprehensive assessment of the socioeconomic and environmental status of Masan Bay, RO Korea, including the management interventions and implementing arrangements that have been put in place for the sustainable development of the Bay.
Jiulong River-Xiamen Bay Ecosystem Management Strategic Action Plan
The objective of the Ecosystem-based Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay Management Strategic Action Plan (JXSAP) is to establish a trans-jurisdictional Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay ecosystem management framework involving the city of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Longyan. Based on an ecosystem approach, the JXSAP has identified and analyzed key environmental problems, developed a Jiulong River–Xiamen Bay pollution mitigation plan, ecological conservation and management plan and a monitoring program. Jiulong River is the second longest river in Fujian Province, a major source of pollutants to Xiamen Bay as well. In recognition of the environmental impact of upstream pollution, the Fujian Provincial Government approved a comprehensive water pollution and ecosystem rehabilitation project in 1999, which involved adoption of a number of policies and regulations on water pollution prevention and treatment and investment. Given the complexity of the river basin itself and the socioeconomic pressures from continued growth, the trans-jurisdictional ecological and environmental problems from the river basin to estuary remain unabated. From 1994 to 1998, the Xiamen Municipal government resolved sea use conflicts and coastal environmental pollution through an integrated coastal management (ICM) approach, including innovative legislation and institution arrangements, coordination by the municipal government, scientific support, joint law enforcement and public participation, with the assistance of the GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas project. Based on the lessons learned from the water pollution and ecosystem rehabilitation project, and the success of the integrated approach to addressing environmental pollution and sea use conflicts, Xiamen began to scale up its ICM program. The up scaling involved integrating pollution control, ecosystem-based river basin management and Xiamen Bay management into a regional economic development initiative involving downstream and upstream cities. In 2004, Xiamen, Quanzhou and Zhangzhou established the City Alliance, an initiative among the three major cities in southeast Fujian to promote regional economic development. Longyan, a city at the upstream of Jiulong River, north of Zhangzhou City, became a member as well. While economic development topped the agenda of the Alliance, conservation of the water environment of offshore areas and maintenance of ecosystem services of Jiulong River were important elements proposed by the Municipal Government of Xiamen. During the implementation of the second phase of the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), the Xiamen Municipal Government developed and adopted an ICM Strategic Action Plan in 2005. Integral to the plan were: (a) strengthening the ICM program and the ICM coordinating mechanism; (b) establishing a regional coordinating mechanism and integrated land and coastal area management mechanism; (c) creating an integrated Jiulong River management coordination committee between Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Longyan; (d) establishing an integrated Jiulong River Management Action Plan; and (e) setting up an integrated Jiulong River Management financial mechanism. With the approval of the West Taiwan Strait Economic Zone in 2009, the incorporation of the integrated Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay management plan into the State economic development strategy gained further momentum. Under this framework, the Xiamen Ocean and Fishery Bureau commissioned a joint study by the Third Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) of China and Xiamen University to develop a strategic action plan for an ecosystem-based Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay management. The process involved field surveys, interviews with local communities and staff from the sectors of ocean, environment, agriculture and forestry of the three cities, collection of socioeconomic and ecological environment data, desk review of available management plans and management options, and data analysis. SOA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States provided generous support to the project team in scoping, problem analysis, and sharing of lessons from other river basins, in particular the Chesapeake Bay, through their experts. The objective of the Ecosystem-based Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay Management Strategic Action Plan (JXSAP) is to establish a trans-jurisdictional Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay ecosystem management framework involving the city of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Longyan. Based on an ecosystem approach, the JXSAP has identified and analyzed key environmental problems, developed a Jiulong River–Xiamen Bay pollution mitigation plan, ecological conservation and management plan and a monitoring program. The ultimate aims of the plans are to enhance the management capacity of Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay, relieve pressure of Jiulong River on Xiamen Bay and ensure river-bay ecological safety. There is no doubt that implementation of the action plan will be advantageous to raising awareness of various stakeholder groups, promoting environment education of the public, establishing sustainable financing mechanisms between the river basin and the bay area, enhancing the coordination capacity between upstream and downstream cities and, ultimately, managing a living river basin and bay that can meet the needs of the present and future generations in the area.
Regional Review: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) 2003-2011
The SDS-SEA review process commenced in March 2010. All PEMSEA Country Partners and the majority of the Non-Country Partners participated in the process, which entailed: (a) a desktop review of progress and development in support of SDS-SEA objectives and targets in each participating country; (b) a survey of PEMSEA Non-Country Partners to identify initiatives that contribute, directly and indirectly, to SDS-SEA; (c) conduct of national inter-agency workshops to review and validate the country report, and to build consensus on priorities for SDS-SEA implementation in the medium term; and d) finalization of national SDS-SEA progress reports and preparation of an overall summary report for the region. The countries of the Seas of East Asia have recognized the severity of continuous degradation of their seas, coasts and estuaries upon which the region’s economies and millions of its inhabitants and economies depend. As a reflection of their concern, the governments crafted the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) in 2003, with the support of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the participation of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and 14 other international and regional organizations. The SDS-SEA identifies common threats as well as strategic action programs to reduce the impacts of natural and man-made hazards on coastal and marine resources, as well as the people, communities and economies of the region. There has been considerable progress and achievement on the part of participating countries, local governments and a host of collaborating organizations, programs and projects since the adoption of the SDS-SEA in 2003. The good news is that the region appears to be on track to achieving four major targets as spelled out in the Haikou Partnership Agreement (2006) and further elaborated in the Manila Declaration (2009) (Box 1). However, the bad news is that coastal and marine ecosystems of the region are experiencing increasing threats to the services that they provide humanity. Marine pollution from land-based sources continues to be a serious problem, as evidenced by the expansion of hypoxic (dead) zones from increasing nutrient inputs from sewage and agriculture. International commitments made regarding biodiversity and marine protected areas have fallen short of expectations. Depletion of marine waters through overfishing and use of destructive fishing gear/fishing practices continues. On top of it all, the multiple risks and impacts related to climate change and extreme weather events are becoming more evident. In short, the region has not reached that elusive tipping point where reduction in pollution discharges, conservation and rehabilitation of habitats, biodiversity preservation and enhancement and economic stability have begun to shift the balance in favor of sustainable development. The SDS-SEA review process commenced in March 2010. All PEMSEA Country Partners and the majority of the Non-Country Partners participated in the process, which entailed: (a) a desktop review of progress and development in support of SDS-SEA objectives and targets in each participating country; (b) a survey of PEMSEA Non-Country Partners to identify initiatives that contribute, directly and indirectly, to SDS-SEA; (c) conduct of national inter-agency workshops to review and validate the country report, and to build consensus on priorities for SDS-SEA implementation in the medium term; and d) finalization of national SDS-SEA progress reports and preparation of an overall summary report for the region.
State of the Coasts of Guimaras Province
The State of the Coasts of Guimaras Province, Philippines, was developed to determine the baseline social, economic and environmental conditions and identify priority issues that will be addressed in the Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Program of Guimaras. The SOC baseline provides the benchmark for determining the impacts of management responses and interventions on the socioeconomic and environmental status of the area. The SOC report may be developed, refined and regularly updated through time to monitor trends and changes that are occurring in the coastal areas of the province, and to refine and adapt policies, management strategies and programs in response to such changes. The report covers the period 2000 to 2009. The report is the output of the combined efforts of different stakeholders of the province, including: the national, provincial, and municipal government agencies; the academe; the private/business sector; the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and peoples’ organizations (POs). The data included in the report were validated through a series of field visits to the municipalities. The draft report was presented to the members of the Guimaras SOC Task Team for review and validation on 25 June 2010, the comments and recommendations of which were considered in refining the report. On 14 September 2010, the refined Guimaras SOC Baseline was presented for review, validation and concurrence of the Project Coordinating Committee (PCC).
Integrating climate change and disaster risk scenarios into coastal land and sea use planning in Manila Bay
One of the key issues facing governments throughout the East Asian Seas (EAS) region is the impact of climate change, variability and extremes, particularly in coastal areas. Manila Bay is no exception, with incidents of flooding, storm surges, saltwater intrusion and erosion occurring with increasing frequency or heightened intensity. Of special concern is the threat of sea level rise in the Bay area and its effects on infrastructure as well as social and economic development in the area. The Manila Declaration, which was signed by the Ministers and Senior Government Officials from the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Partner Countries in December 2009, called for countries of the region to strengthen and accelerate the implementation of integrated coastal management (ICM) for sustainable development and climate change adaptation in coastal areas of the region. In Manila Bay, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – River Basin Coordinating Office (RBCO), Coastal and Marine Management Office (CMMO) and Manila Bay Coordinating Office (MBCO), and PEMSEA have been working with local government units (LGUs) to scale up the implementation of ICM around the Bay’s coastline, building on the experience of ICM programs in the Provinces of Bataan and Cavite. One of the major thrusts of ICM development and implementation is the preparation of an integrated land and sea use plan. This calls for the conduct of coastal use zoning, which will serve as a guide in the preparation of a plan and regulatory system to allocate the appropriate zones and corresponding uses of the coastal and marine area. Coastal use zoning is based on the functional capability and suitability of coastal waters and land as to the desired uses, the development envisioned by the stakeholders, existing policies and ecological, cultural and traditional considerations. The zoning process is a socio-political matter requiring scientific and technical inputs, involving multi-sector participation and extensive consultation with concerned stakeholders in order to reach consensus on the various zones and their corresponding uses. A major gap in previous meetings and consultations concerning the sustainable development of Manila Bay is the lack of existing and projected impacts of climate change, variability and extremes on the area. Similarly, inputs to the development of integrated land and sea use plans by the local governments in Bataan and Cavite have been lacking guidance and information on changes that are expected to occur because of sea level rise, as well as other potential impacts of climate change (e.g., more intense rainfall or more intense storms). To address this gap, “macro-scale” land and sea use zones for Manila Bay will be prepared with a specific focus on the different scenarios for sea level rise, flooding and storm surges as a consequence of climate change, variability and extremes in the coastal areas over the next 50 years. This document will provide information on climate change, variability and extremes and sea level rise, as inputs to the coastal land and sea use planning and zoning along the Manila Bay area. The physical boundaries of the coastal area to which the Coastal Land and Water Use Plan applies is governed by the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 (Republic Act 8550).
Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) Implementation Plan 2012-2016
In 2010, PEMSEA Country and Non-Country Partners agreed to undertake joint planning for the development of the SDS-SEA medium-term implementation plan. The Regional Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) Implementation Plan for 2012-2016 (SDS-SEA Implementation Plan) provides the framework for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the work being undertaken by the PEMSEA Partners and the PEMSEA Resource Facility. It is a results-based, demand-driven plan of action that addresses global and regional issues, incorporates country priorities, and provides a structure for detailed work plans by the Partners, all within the framework of the SDS-SEA. The overall objective is to make PEMSEA's vision and aspirations for sustainable development a progressive reality through tangible and accountable actions, with an annual planning cycle that becomes an iterative process designed to fuel growth and stimulate continuous improvement at the local, national, subregional and regional levels. The SDS-SEA Implementation plan was adopted by eleven Countries of the East Asian Seas (EAS) region as part of the Changwon Declaration towards an Ocean-Based Blue Economy: Moving Ahead with the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia signed during the 4th Ministerial Forum in Changwon City, RO Korea on 12 July 2012 as part of the East Asian Seas Congress 2012.
Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management Code (PSHEM Code)
The PSHEM Code specifies requirements for an effective port safety, health and environmental management system (PSHEMS) to enable an organization to develop and implement policy and objectives that take into account legal requirements and information about hazards associated with its activities, which have or can have significant risk or impact to safety, health and environment. The PSHEMS is intended to be integrated with other management requirements of the organization, thereby helping to achieve business and economic goals as well. The PSHEM Code is intended to apply to all types and sizes of ports. For this reason, the requirements are expressed in broad terms as guiding principles and objectives so that they can have widespread application. It is for this reason that the PSHEM Code does not state specific port safety, health and environmental protection criteria. The cornerstone of good safety, health and environmental management is commitment from the top management. Furthermore, in matters of accident and pollution prevention, it is the commitment, competence, attitude and motivation of all individuals, at all levels, in every organization that determines the end result.
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Partnerships in Action: PEMSEA Accomplishment Report 2010-2011
PEMSEA has intensified its transformation into a country and partner-owned self-sustaining and full-fledged international organization. At the same time, PEMSEA continued to work with the countries and ICM sites, as well as with other Non-Country Partners to implement the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA). From 2010 to 2011, PEMSEA illustrated "Partnerships in Action" as it demanded stronger interaction and collaboration between the PEMSEA Resource Facility and the Executive Committee, the PEMSEA Partners, collaborators, and sponsors. This report presents a significant number of accomplishments over these past two years, including improvements in various activities with the local governments, as well as the conduct of the annual PEMSEA Network of Local Governments Forum and Regional Twinning Workshops on integrated river basin and coastal area management. This Report highlights the various collaborative activities and accomplishments of PEMSEA, covering the following: PEMSEA and the SDS-SEA: A Strategic Platform for Sustainable Development of the LMEs and Coasts of the EAS Region PEMSEA's Transformation Strengthening Joint Planning and Implementation SDS-SEA Implementation Enabling Capacities Advocacy Resource Mobilization Challenges
Development and Implementation of Public-Private Partnerships in Environmental Investments: Terminal Evaluation Report 2011
The Medium-size Project on the "Development and Implementation of Public-Private Partnerships in Environmental Investments" (MSP-PPP) sought to build confidence and capabilities in public-private sector partnerships as a viable means of financing and sustaining environmental facilities and services for pollution prevention and sustainable use of the marine and coastal resources of the East Asian Seas region. To ensure that both short-term and long-term targets and objectives are met, the MSP-PPP was strategically built within the larger framework for integrated coastal management (ICM). The MSP-PPP was initiated in 2004 and completed in 2009. The project was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, and executed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA). This terminal evaluation was commissioned to assess the overall performance, results, effectiveness, and impact of the project, draw lessons from the experiences in different sites, assess the sustainability of results achieved, and identify ways to further enhance future PPP initiatives. The evaluation is in accordance with the GEF Guidelines on conducting terminal evaluations. The evaluation entailed a combination of processes including desk review and assessment of technical and monitoring reports and other studies completed under the project, as well as a visit to one of the PPP project sites – Puerto Galera, Mindoro Oriental, Philippines, wherein interviews with the project implementers from both the public and private sectors were undertaken.