Proceedings of the Sixth East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting
The Sixth East Asian Seas (EAS) Partnership Council Meeting was held at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Conference Center, Makati, Philippines from 23 to 25 June 2014. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines co-hosted the Meeting. The Meeting was attended by representatives from 9 Country Partners, 11 Non-Country Partners, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, and an observer from Thailand. The Partnership Council focused on the following critical issues: (a) Developing PEMSEA's Brand; (b) Updating of the SDS-SEA and setting of post-2015 Targets; (c) PEMSEA's progress towards becoming a self-sustaining international organization; (d) the East Asian Seas Congress and Ministerial Forum 2015; and (e) Knowledge Management, among others. This publication summarizes the proceedings of the meeting.
Document Number Document Title PC/14/DOC/01a List of Documents PC/14/DOC/01b List of Participants PC/14/DOC/02a Provisional Agenda PC/14/DOC/02b Annotated Agenda PC/14/DOC/03 Implementation Status of Major Recommendations and Decisions of the 5th EAS Partnership Council and the 13th and 14th Executive Committee Meetings PC/14/DOC/04 Report of the Council Chair PC/14/DOC/05 Report of the PRF Executive Director: PEMSEA Accomplishment Report 2013-2014 PC/14/DOC/06 Developing PEMSEA's Brand PC/14/DOC/07 Collaborative Session on Knowledge Management PC/14/DOC/08a Updating the SDS-SEA and Setting of Post-2015 Targets PC/14/DOC/08b Terms of Reference: Technical Working Group to Review and Update the SDS-SEA PC/14/DOC/09 East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2015 Framework Programme PC/14/DOC/11 PEMSEA's Progress Towards Becoming a Self-Sustaining International Organization
(Document available upon request)PC/14/DOC/12 Fifth Ministerial Forum Framework Programme
(Document available upon request)PC/14/DOC/13 GEF/WB Project on Applying Knowledge Management to Scale up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of LMEs of East Asia and their Coasts (2013-2016)
(Document available upon request)PC/14/DOC/14 PEMSEA Work Plan and Budget 2014
(Document available upon request)
World Bank/GEF/PEMSEA Medium-Sized Project Applying Knowledge Management to Scale up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts
The GEF-supported World Bank medium-sized project (MSP) on Applying Knowledge Management to Scale up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts primarily aims to enhance the capacity and performance of investments in the sustainable development of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) and coasts in the East Asian Seas (EAS) region through knowledge and experience sharing, portfolio learning and networking. The MSP addresses the need for the conversion and integration of new information and knowledge into innovative policies and development programs, scaling up and replicating initiatives, and increased commitments of resources and new investments by the public and private sectors. The project will facilitate interaction among policymakers, implementers, networks and investors, as well as address gaps in necessary skills and services to move from policy and planning into actions and investments through intergovernmental arrangements and communities of practice at the regional, national and local levels. The MSP is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and executed by the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) under the supervision of the World Bank (WB) and in coordination with countries and other partners. The Project Inception Workshop aimed to discuss and build consensus on: Priority knowledge management (KM) products and services that would support scaling up and replication of good practices and investments among the projects under the WB/GEF Program Framework, targeting both public and private investors; The processes involved in applying the knowledge products and services (KPS) in relation to the proposed framework for scaling up investments and partnerships in support of sustainable development and management of coastal and marine ecosystem services; The schedule of activities, outputs and events of the KM project that would align with and support the planned activities and outputs of the investment and learning projects; and The coordinating and implementing arrangements between the KM project and the investment and learning projects.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Executive Committee Meeting
The Fourteenth (14th) Executive Committee Meeting was held at the Tagaytay Highlands, Philippines, on 25-26 April 2014. This publication summarizes the output of the meeting. The Meeting presented and discussed the following: summary of major recommendations from the last Executive Committee Meeting and Actions taken; PEMSEA’s progress towards becoming a self-sustaining international organization; Audit Committee Report; EAS Congress 2015 and Fifth Ministerial Forum; updating the SDSSEA; updates on project development in support of the 5-year regional SDS-SEA Implementation Plan (2012-2016); PEMSEA Work Plan and Budget 2014; and the provisional agenda for the 6th EAS Partnership Council.
Document Number Document Title EC/14/DOC/01a List of Documents EC/14/DOC/01b Provisional Agenda EC/14/DOC/02 Summary of Major Recommendations from the 13th Executive Committee Meeting and Actions Taken EC/14/DOC/03 PEMSEA's Progress Towards Becoming a Self-sustaining International Organization EC/14/DOC/04 Audit Committee Report for 2013 EC/14/DOC/05 East Asian Seas Congress 2015 and Fifth Ministerial Forum: Priority Issues and Plan of Action EC/14/DOC/06 Updating the SDS-SEA: Priority Issues and Plan of Action EC/14/DOC/07 Updates on Project Development in Support of the 5-Year Regional SDS-SEA Implementation Plan (2012-2016) EC/14/DOC/09 Provisional Agenda for the 6TH EAS Partnership Council Meeting
Proceedings of the 2nd Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW) Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific
Transforming Good Practices from Demonstration Projects into Scaled-Up Investments and Financing in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) The Second Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW) Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific was held from 10–12 March 2014 at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Crowne Plaza Hotel, Manila, Philippines. The regional workshop was organized by the GEF International Waters: Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW: LEARN) in collaboration with ADB, World Bank (WB) and Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA). The workshop aimed to strengthen the performance of GEF IW projects through: (a) facilitating and promoting good policies and practices; and (b) leveraging increased investments in habitat conservation, nutrient reduction and water resource use. Specifically, the workshop aimed to: (a) review case studies and good practices in the development, facilitation and implementation of investment projects addressing issues under the blue (ecosystem) and brown (pollution) sectors; (b) share knowledge and experience on key aspects of scaling up and replication of good practices and lessons learned from demonstration projects; and (c) explore advances in knowledge harvesting tools and indicators, as well as in developing knowledge services and products that strengthen ownership and commitment among policymakers and investors in scaling up and replication of good practices.
Proceedings of the 2013 PNLG Forum
"Achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, New Satoumi and Vitalization of Coastal Area through Integrated Coastal Management"
Shima City, Mie Prefecture, Japan, 30 September – 2 October 2013
i. The 2013 PEMSEA Network of Local Governments for Sustainable Development (PNLG) Forum was held at the Nemuno Sato Hotel and Resort, Shima City, Mie Prefecture, Japan, from 30 September to 2 October 2013. The Shima City Government hosted the Forum with support from the Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF).
ii. The Forum was attended by representatives from the PNLG regular members, namely: Cambodia (Preah Sihanouk); PR China (Dongying, Fangchenggang, Haikou, Laoting, Qinzhou, Quanzhou and Xiamen); Indonesia (Denpasar City, Gianyar Regency, Karangasem Regency, Sukabumi Regency and Tabanan Regency); Japan (Shima); Malaysia (Northern Selangor and Port Klang); Philippines (Bataan, Batangas, Cavite and Guimaras provinces); RO Korea (Changwon City and Shihwa); and Vietnam (Danang and Quang Nam). Representatives from the PNLG associate members, the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the State Oceanic Administration and Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (COMI) of Xiamen University, PR China, were also present.
iii. Representatives from various local governments and various institutions served as observers, including: Cambodia (Kampot, Kep and Koh Kong provinces); China (State Oceanic Administration); Indonesia (Bangli); Japan (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; Ministry of Environment; The Nippon Foundation; Tokyo University; Kaiyo Construction Co. Ltd. and Intercom); Lao PDR (Champasak Province); Timor-Leste (Manatuto and Liquica districts and National Directorate for Fisheries and Aquaculture).
iv. The PNLG Secretariat in Xiamen and PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) served as the Secretariat for the Meeting, while the Agriculture and Fisheries Department and Satoumi Promotion Project Team of Shima City served as the local secretariat.
v. The meeting agenda and full list of participants are attached as Annex 1 and 2.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Executive Committee Meeting
The Thirteenth (13th) Executive Committee Meeting was held at the Oakwood Hotel and Bulwagan Ninoy at the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Manila, Philippines, on 28 and 29 October 2013, respectively. This publication summarizes the output of the meeting. The Meeting focused on the following key issues: establishment of a PEMSEA Trust Fund as a sustainable financing mechanism; selection of a PRF Executive Director; preparation for PEMSEA's next phase and ensuring continuity and sustainability of PEMSEA's operations, among others.
Document Number Document Title EC/13/DOC/01 List of Documents EC/13/DOC/02 Provisional Agenda EC/13/DOC/03 Establishing a PEMSEA Trust Fund
Proceedings of the Fifth East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting
The Fifth (5th) East Asian Seas (EAS) Partnership Council Meeting was held at the Diamond Hotel, Manila, Philippines, on 9–11 July 2013. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines hosted the Meeting. The Meeting was attended by representatives from 9 Country Partners, 12 Non-Country Partners, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and observers from Thailand, IPIECA and University of Queensland. The Council focused on the following major issues: (a) transformation of PEMSEA; (b) collaborative planning among Country and Non-Country Partners and other organizations for SDS-SEA implementation; (c) updating of the SDS-SEA and its strategic targets and implementation plan; and (d) EAS Congress and Ministerial Forum 2015. Overall, the Council emphasized the need for strengthened engagement and ownership by both Country and Non-Country Partners to ensure the success of transforming PEMSEA into a self-sustaining regional organization for SDS-SEA implementation. This publication summarizes the proceedings of the meeting.
PC/13/DOC/14 Transformation of PEMSEA: Implementation of the PRF Re-Engineering and Sustainable Financing Plans
(Document available upon request)PC/13/DOC/15 Draft Framework Programme for the Ministerial Forum 2013
(Document available upon request)
Proceedings of the Fourth PNLG Executive Committee Meeting
The Fourth PEMSEA Network of Local Governments for Sustainable Coastal Development (PNLG) Executive Committee Meeting was held at the Jingmin Central Hotel, Xiamen, PR China, on 27 May 2013. The Xiamen Municipal Government and the PNLG Secretariat hosted the meeting.