E-Update March 2023
Welcome to the March 2023 PEMSEA e-update. This month saw a devastating oil spill in the Philippines, with work to contain it ongoing. Given that more than 80% of the provinces of the Philippines are coastal, PEMSEA recommends the incorporation of oil spill contingency plans into future disaster risk reduction and climate resilience plans of local governments to prevent and manage future spills. To help combat climate change, PEMSEA is joining the global effort to improve the use and understanding of blue carbon resources. We also celebrate long-standing partnerships with the Province of Cavite and Cavite State University to promote sustainable coastal development. In between newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA) for the latest updates.
Blue Economy Bulletin February 2023
Welcome to the February 2023 Blue Economy bulletin. With the ocean policy community coming together for the Our Ocean Conference in Panama on 2-3 March 2023, PEMSEA is pleased to present exciting and new projects that will facilitate the implementation of UN SDGs in the EAS region. The Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) project has been officially launched, beginning a multi-country co-operative project to improve sustainability in Southeast Asia's rivers. This project will build off previous work, including the Ecological Solid Waste Management project in Cavite, which is coming to a successful conclusion.
Globally, the impact of climate change on the economy is increasing. Rising temperatures are affecting those engaged in aquaculture and wild fisheries in Indonesia. The UN expects further coastal population displacement. Work to address climate change is thus crucial, and is ongoing. A trilateral meeting of East Asian countries saw discussion on how to reach net zero. Research is ongoing into managing aquaculture emissions, and combining renewable energy with carbon sequestration.
Follow the latest updates on blue economy and coastal sustainable development in East Asia on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA). We welcome your feedback, and please let us know if there are other blue economy topics you would like to see in future newsletters and programs.
E-Update January 2023
Welcome to the January 2023 PEMSEA e-update. The PEMSEA Resource Facility would like to with everyone a happy new year and a productive 2023, as we progress through the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. In between newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA) for the latest updates.
2022 End Of Year Newsletter
Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and most of all, THANK YOU for your trust, support, and partnership!
As the year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the work we have accomplished together as we seek healthier and more sustainable shared seas.
And we look forward to a continuing flow of activity in 2023 as we implement Year 1 of our joint regional strategy the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) Implementation Plan 2023-2027.
In the meantime, we hope that you have a wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy new year.
Thank you for being our ocean partners through the years.
E-Update November 2022
Welcome to the PEMSEA November 2022 e-update. As we approach the end of the year, PEMSEA has held its annual Executive Council meeting. The Council deliberated and endorsed the new Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia Implementation Plan 2023-2027. More news from this will be shared in next month's newsletter.
In this newsletter, we share progress on some projects relating to different aspects of improving the sustainability of international shipping. In between newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA) for the latest updates.
Blue Economy Bulletin: Integrated Coastal Management In East Asia
Welcome to the October 2022 Blue Economy Bulletin. Last week saw the hosting of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG) Annual Forum 2022. This hybrid forum brought together local governments and other stakeholders in coastal and ocean management from throughout the seas of East Asia, including a new local government member, Gorontalo Province.
At the forum, an ICM session saw examples of effective ICM implementation shared, including the use of fisheries closures, incorporating SDGs into development goals, and linking coastal and riverine management. The host, Tangerang Regency, shared information on its Gerbang Mapan program.
This month also saw a strengthening of the PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers (PNLC), with an agreement to establish a Secretariat at IPB University, in Bogor Indonesia. We also share an interview with Stephen Ross on the value of State of the Coasts reporting.
Follow the latest updates on blue economy and coastal sustainable development in East Asia on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA). We welcome your feedback, and please let us know if there are other blue economy topics you would like to see in future newsletters and programs.
Research And Local Government Partnerships: Our September E-Update
Welcome to the September 2022 PEMSEA e-update. This month we welcome the continued partnership with SKLMP, who have been redesignated as a regional Center of Excellent (RCOE). We look forward to the PEMSEA Network of Local Government (PNLG) annual forum, and wish a fond farewell to PEMSEA friend Andrew Hudson. In between newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA) for the latest updates.
Blue Economy Bulletin: Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) In East Asia
Welcome to the August 2022 PEMSEA Blue Economy Bulletin. We would like you to join PEMSEA at the upcoming UN Climate Conference meeting (COP27), where PEMSEA will join the Virtual Ocean Pavilion. This month we share interviews on PEMSEA's development and on the growth in Integrated Coastal Management (ICM), as well as a site visit to ICM sites in the Philippines. The 2022 Youth Video and Small Grants Competitions are ongoing.
In wider news, no agreement was reached for a high seas treaty, while new research has put the percentage of marine life at risk from climate change at 90% and the economic impacts of climate change are expected to be in the trillions. However, Indonesia has announced plans to expand its protected seas, and new research has come out on the link between marine management and ecosystem services.
Follow the latest updates on blue economy and coastal sustainable development in East Asia on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA). We welcome your feedback, and please let us know if there are other blue economy topics you would like to see in future newsletters and programs.
PEMSEA E-Update: Ocean Leaders, A Marine Litter Toolkit, A Biofouling Strategy, And More
Welcome to the July 2022 PEMSEA e-update. This month we welcome new leaders at the East Asian Seas Partnership Council. We also share the release of an LGU toolkit on marine litter, a draft regional strategy for biofouling management, and an updated briefing on the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments. In between newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA) for the latest updates.