Views: Publication - Other Meetings and Workshops
  • Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Biofouling Management and Invasive Aquatic Species

    The GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project is aimed at catalyzing government action, industry innovation and capacity building in order to reduce the transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) from international shipping and other marine sectors in a holistic approach. While the reach is global, all the intended outcomes, outputs and activities are directly geared towards the national and regional levels with a view to improving maritime institutions, technologies and operations as well as achieving improved monitoring and impact mitigation in the participating developing countries. The Regional Seminar on Biofouling Management and Invasive Aquatic Species was jointly organized by the GloFouling Partnerships Project and the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) on June 23, 2021 via the Zoom platform to:

    • Raise awareness on the issue of minimizing the transfer of invasive aquatic species through biofouling and capacitate government representatives to participate in future meetings and negotiations on the issue;
    • Exchange information and knowledge on biofouling management, approaches, best practices and innovation that are currently available in the region;
    • Identify existing challenges, knowledge and technical gaps in the region; and
    • Examine and consider elements and options for regional cooperation and coordination of biofouling management measures that could feed into a strategy to promote regional harmonization of biofouling management.

    The regional seminar served as a preparatory meeting for a regional workshop that will be conducted later in the year with the goal of defining a regional strategy for biofouling management.


  • Proceedings of the Blue Solutions Philippines National Inception Workshop

    This event is part of a series of national inception workshops being held with participating countries of the International Climate Initiative/ International Maritime Organization/Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (IKI/IMO/PEMSEA) Project on Reducing Maritime Transport Emissions in East and Southeast Countries (Blue Solutions Project). This is a follow-on to the regional kick-off meeting for the preparation phase of the overall project held on 18 June 2021. These national inception workshops will initiate the country-specific discussions on the preparation of the full proposal for a pilot project within each country.

    The national inception workshop for the Philippines was held virtually from 12-13 August 2021. It was jointly organized by the Department of Transportation (DoTr), which serves as the National Focal Agency for the Project, the IMO, and PEMSEA.

    The aims of this workshop were to:

    • Introduce the scope, objectives, and components of the Blue Solutions project, including the timeline and implementing arrangements for the national project preparation;
    • Understand the principal targets and challenges to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction in the maritime sector in the Philippines; 
    • Discuss the identification of a national GHG reduction pilot demonstration project in the Philippines; and 
    • Delve into the national assessment of GHG emissions in the maritime sector in the Philippines.
  • Proceedings of the Blue Solutions Viet Nam National Inception Workshop

    The national inception workshops in participating countries including Vietnam are follow-on activities to the regional kick-off meeting for the preparation phase of the International Climate Initiative/ International Maritime Organization/Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (IKI/IMO/PEMSEA) Project on Reducing Maritime Transport Emissions in East and Southeast Countries (Blue Solutions Project)  that was conducted on June 18, 2021 to initiate the country-specific discussions on the preparation of the full proposal for the aforementioned project.

    The national inception workshop for Vietnam was held virtually on August 19 and 20, 2021 and jointly organized by the Vietnam Maritime Administration (VINAMARINE), which serves as the National Focal Agency for the Project, the IMO and PEMSEA.

    The 1.5-day national inception workshop was organized to:

    • Introduce the scope, objectives and components, including timeline and implementing arrangements for the national project preparation;
    • Understand the principal targets and challenges to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction in the maritime sector in Vietnam; 
    • Discuss the identification of a national GHG reduction pilot demonstration project in Vietnam; and 
    • Delve into the national assessment of GHG emissions in the maritime sector in Vietnam.
  • Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Forum of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG)

    The 2020 Forum of the PNLG with the theme, “Marine Eco‐civilization, Blue Development” was hosted by the Xiamen Municipal Government and co‐organized by the PNLG Secretariat, the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF), the Fujian Institute for Sustainable Oceans (FISO) and Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (COMI) of Xiamen University (XMU). The forum was conducted on 24 November 2020 via a blended online and face‐to‐face meeting for the local attendees in Xiamen.

    Over one hundred thirty participants from: a) 35 PNLG member local governments from eight countries, namely Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Timor Leste, and Viet Nam; b) from PNLG Associate members, namely the First Institute of Oceanography and COMI; c) resource speakers and other invited experts, d) the PNLG Secretariat and e) the PRF attended the forum. A representative from Busan, Republic ok Korea also attended the forum as observer.


  • Inception workshop for ASEAN-Norwegian cooperation project on local capacity building for reducing plastic pollution in the ASEAN region (ASEANO) and associated activities

    Representatives from PEMSEA, NIVA, and CSEAS undertook a trip to Cavite, Philippines, facilitated by Cavite PG-ENRO, to study the proposed pilot site for the Philippine sub-component of the ASEANO project, to meet relevant stakeholders, and to launch the sub-component through an inception workshop with relevant stakeholders from the city of Dasmariñas and nearby areas.

    During two days of site visits, various sites along the river were visited and documented, and local stakeholders including politicians and academe representatives were met. These visits allowed the project team to obtain a better picture of existing waste reduction efforts along the Imus river. For the river, the project team observed an expected increase in pollution levels as the river moved downstream, and observed numerous areas of waste accumulation and points of waste entry into the river. The university stakeholders, Cavite State University and De La Salle University Dasmariñas, expressed great support for the project and are enthusiastic about becoming involved in the research component of the project. Local politicians were also supportive, and referred us to their various material recovery schemes, which across different jurisdictions performed similar material recovery including producing biogas, recycling plastic into new products such as bags and ecobricks, and creating charcoal.

    The Inception Workshop held on 5th March brought together stakeholders and interested parties with the dual aims of introducing these parties to the project and providing an opportunity for the project team to ask questions of these individuals. Local inputs and recommendations were sought on a number of different topics, and these inputs will be used to guide the project going forwards.

    A project team meeting comprising of core representatives from Cavite, PEMSEA, NIVA and CSEAS, was held to reflect on the learnings of the previous days and chart the way forward for the Philippine sub-component. Existing information will be compiled into a background report on the Imus river, which will be included as a section within the overall ASEANO project’s baseline report. Further smaller meetings and discussions are expected over the coming months, and future in person meetings are expected around the middle of the year.


  • Proceedings of the ATSEA 2 Inception Meeting

    The Inception Workshop of the GEF/UNDP Project on Implementation of Arafura and Timor Seas Regional and National Strategic Programs: Second Phase of the Arafura-Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Program (ATSEA 2) was held at the Swiss-Belresort Watu Jimbar, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia on 18 November 2019.

    The Workshop was attended by representatives from Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Representatives from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Country Offices of Indonesia, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea, and the UNDP Regional Hub Bangkok were also present on behalf of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UNDP. Stakeholder partner organizations from the Coral Triangle Center (CTC), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Indonesia, Indonesian Seas Large Marine Ecosystem (ISLME), and Yayakan Conservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) were also represented during the Workshop. The PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) served as Secretariat for the Workshop, with local support from UNDP Indonesia.

    The publication summarizes the proceedings of the Inception Workshop. Powerpoint presentations delivered during the workshop are herewith accessible.

    ATSEA2/DOC/01             Inception Workshop Objectives
    ATSEA2/DOC/02             ATSEA1 Background and Lessons Learned
    ATSEA2/DOC/03             Project Structure, Overall Goals, Objectives and Outcomes
    ATSEA2/DOC/04             Project Strategic Results Framework
    ATSEA2/DOC/05             Stakeholder Partnership Forum
    ATSEA2/DOC/06             YCAN TNC Presentation
    ATSEA2/DOC/07             ISLME Presentation
    ATSEA2/DOC/08             CTC Presentation
    ATSEA2/DOC/09             ATSEA IW M&E

  • ATSEA2 Regional Steering Committee Meeting

    The Regional Steering Committee Meeting of the GEF/UNDP Project on Implementation of Arafura and Timor Seas Regional and National Strategic Programs: Second Phase of the Arafura-Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Program (ATSEA 2) was held at the Swiss-Belresort Watu Jimbar, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia on 19 November 2019.

    The RSC Meeting was attended by representatives from Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Representatives from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Country Offices of Indonesia, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea, and the UNDP Regional Hub Bangkok were present on behalf of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UNDP. The PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) served as Secretariat for the Meeting, with local support from UNDP Indonesia.

    The publication summarizes the proceedings of the first RSC Meeting of the ATSEA2 Project. Powerpoint presentations delivered during the meeting are herewith accessible.

    ATSEA2RSC/DOC/01       ATSEA2 Inception Workshop Key Takeaways
    ATSEA2RSC/DOC/02       Terms of Reference of the RSC and NPB
    ATSEA2RSC/DOC/03       Regional Work Plan and Budget 2019-2020
    ATSEA2RSC/DOC/04       Indonesia Work Plan and Budget 2019-2020
    ATSEA2RSC/DOC/05       Timor-Leste Work Plan and Budget 2019-2020
    ATSEA2RSC/DOC/06       Papua New Guinea Work Plan and Budget 2019-2020

  • Training Report: Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Regional Training Workshop

    PEMSEA organized and conducted a regional training workshop on risk and vulnerability assessment (VA) from March 4 to 5, 2019. The main purpose of this workshop was to introduce the Coastal VA tools that were locally developed that the participants may consider in conducting VA on target sites for each member country. A total of nineteen (19) participants consisting of representatives from ICM learning centers in Indonesia, Thailand and Timor Leste, as well as representatives from the Local Governments Units (LGUs) of Pampanga, Bataan, Cavite, Oriental Mindoro, and Guimaras attended this workshop. Three VA tools were presented by speakers from the Marine Science Institute: (a) CIVAT (Coastal Integrity Vulnerability Assessment Tool), (b) TURF (Tools for Understanding the Resilience of Fisheries), and (c) ICSEA Change (Integrated Coastal Sensitivity, Exposure and Adaptive Capacity for Climate Change). These tools have incorporated bio-physical attributes that are unique to tropical ecosystems such as the importance of coastal habitats for maintaining coastal integrity and the dependence on reef fisheries. This suite of Coastal VA tools was developed to assess the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to climate change. Specifically, these tools aim to evaluate biodiversity, fisheries, and coastal integrity based on various factors of Sensitivity, Exposure, and Adaptive Capacity. They are semiquantitative, incorporating a degree of technicality with ease of use.


  • Proceedings of the 2nd Ocean Leadership Roundtable

    The 2nd Ocean Leadership Roundtable with the special theme of ‘Future Outlook of the East Asian Seas’ was organized as a special event at the Partnership Council Meeting on 26 July 2018 at The Peninsula Manila, Makati City, Philippines. The Roundtable was convened by PEMSEA with support from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Philippines.

    The Roundtable was chaired by Dr. Antonio La Viña, Chair of the EAS Partnership Council. Delegates from the 10th EAS Partnership Council Meeting comprising of eight countries (China, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, RO Korea, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam) and representatives from nine Non-Country Partners, namely ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB); Conservation International (CI) Philippines; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM); Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST); Ocean Policy Research Institute Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI,SPF); Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL); Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML); and PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG), together with the members of the PEMSEA Executive Committee participated in the roundtable. Representatives from the Philippine media were also present during the Roundtable. PEMSEA Resource Facility served as Secretariat.

    The resource persons for the Roundtable were: Dr. Chua Thia-Eng, EAS Partnership Council Chair Emeritus; Dr. Laura David, Professor, UP Marine Science Institute and; Ms. Deborah Robertson, Natural Resources Specialist, Pacific Department, Asian Development Bank.

    OLR/18/DOC/01             Science, Research and Development Outlook – Dr. Laura David, UP Marine Science Institute
    OLR/18/DOC/02             Economic and Development Outlook – Ms. Deborah Robertson, Asian Development Bank
    OLR/18/DOC/03             Ocean Governance: Past, Present and Future – Dr. Chua Thia-Eng, EAS Partnership Council, PEMSEA
    OLR/18/DOC/04             PEMSEA Post-2020 Framework – Ms. Aimee Gonzales, PEMSEA