Proceedings of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Executive Committee


Friday, April 14, 2023


Meeting Documents


Only Available Online


The 30th EC Meeting was conducted virtually on 28 March 2023 via Zoom. Participants of the meeting included the EC, particularly the Chair, Intergovernmental Session Chair and Co-Chair, and the Technical Session Chair and Co-Chair of the EAS Partnership Council (PC) and the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF). Observers from the China PEMSEA Center and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines also attended the meeting. PRF served as the secretariat of the meeting.


EC/30/DOC/01aList of meeting documents
EC/30/DOC/01bProvisional program
EC/30/DOC/02Development of the M&E Plan of the SDS-SEA IP 2023-2027
EC/30/DOC/02/Annex 1TOR SDS-SEA IP M&E
EC/30/DOC/02/Annex 2 SDS SEA M&E Plan IR
EC/30/DOC/03Status of Ongoing and Upcoming PEMSEA Projects
EC/30/DOC/04/Annex 1PEMSEA's Post 2020 Sustainability Plan
EC/30/DOC/04PEMSEA Post 2020 Sustainability Plan
EC/30/DOC/05Proposed Updating of the PEMSEA Rules of Governance
EC/30/DOC/06aUpdates on the 15th EAS PC Meeting
EC/30/DOC/06bUpdates on the 2024 EAS Congress
EC/30/DOC/06b/Annex 1Letter to Hon. Acacio Guterres (EASC 2024)
EC/30/DOC/06b/Annex 2   Letter to Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Requesting to Host EASC 2024
EC/30/DOC/07aPEMSEA global and regional advocacy
EC/30/DOC/07b2023 PEMSEA Calendar of Major Activities
EC/30/DOC/08Review of Non-Country Partners
EC/30/DOC/08/Annex 1Founding NCP
EC/30/DOC/08/Annex 2 Additional NCPs
EC/30/DOC/09Selection and Appointment of the PRF Executive Director 2024-2026