Views: Publication - East Asian Seas Congress
  • Inauguration of the PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers (PNLC)

    The Inauguration of the PNLC was facilitated by the signing of the network’s Charter that formalized the PNLC and specified the ground rules on membership and identified joint activities and outputs amongst its members as well as options for sustainability and funding support.


    Out of 18 PNLC members, 10 institutions signed the PNLC Charter during the event, namely:

    1. Burapha University (BUU), Thailand;

    2. Cavite State University (CvSU), Philippines;

    3. De La Salle Lipa (DLSL), Philippines;

    4. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan;

    5. IPB University – Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (IPB-CCMRS), Indonesia;

    6. Oriental University of Timor Leste (UNITAL), Timor-Leste;

    7. Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodia;

    8. Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Timor-Leste;

    9. University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV), Philippines; and

    10. Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan (XU), Philippines.


    Other universities that also approved the PNLC Charter (with signatures to follow) include:

    1. Kim II Sung University (KISU), DPR Korea;

    2. Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand;

    3. University of Da Nang, Vietnam; and

    4. Xiamen University – Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (XMU-COMI), China.


    The inauguration was attended by 86 participants who represented 14 PNLC member institutions from 8 countries; PEMSEA Executive Committee; PEMSEA’s country- and noncountry partners; and other organizations. The event was organized by Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA).


  • 2021 Forum of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG) “Networking for a New Ocean Decade of Hope”

    The 2021 PNLG Forum with the theme “Networking for a New Ocean Decade of Hope” was hosted by the Provincial Administration of Preah Sihanouk (Cambodia) and co-organized by the PNLG Secretariat and PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF). The forum, which convened PNLG members for a General Assembly, was conducted on 1 December 2021 as part of the East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2021 through a blended online approach and face‐to‐face meeting for the PNLG members and observers in Cambodia.

    A total of 206 participants attended the Forum, representing:

    a) 24 PNLG member local governments from 9 countries, namely Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, RO Korea, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam;

    b) 3 PNLG associate members, namely the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) of China and the Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (COMI) and Fujian Institute for Sustainable Oceans (FISO) of Xiamen University (XMU) in China;

    c) guests from PEMSEA’s Executive Committee, PEMSEA country- and non-country partners, PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers (PNLC), other local governments, various national governments, the private sector, and media;

    d) the PNLG Secretariat; and e) the PRF.


  • Collab 19: 2021 International Symposium of Blue Carbon

    To promote the knowledge and experience sharing of blue carbon science and policy and facilitate the international cooperation of blue carbon research and management under PEMSEA framework, the 2021 International Conference of Blue Carbon will be held in the 19th November 2021 as hybrid meeting using ZOOM portal. The conference is sponsored as a major event of the PEMSEA EAS Congress 2021 and 2021 World Ocean Week in Xiamen.

    Themed as Blue carbon ecosystems management for climate change mitigation and adaption, the symposium is designed to get together experts and professional on the study of Blue Carbon to discuss the following topics:

    (1) Potential of blue carbon ecosystems for climate action;

    (2) Management efforts of coastal blue carbon ecosystem for climate change mitigation and adaption;

    (3) Cooperation of blue carbon research and management.

    The event was participated by Dr. Aimee Gonzales, Executive Director of PEMSEA, Dr. Emily Pidgeon, co-chair of the Blue Carbon Initiative and Vice President of Ocean Science and Innovation, Conservation International, nearly 300 participants from 21 countries present, including government officials, scholars and NGO representatives concerning Blue Carbon.


  • East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2021 “Charting a New Decade of H.O.P.E. (Healthy Ocean, People, and Economies)” Main Conference

    Since 2003, the EAS Congress has served as an intellectual marketplace and forum on the sustainable development of the seas of the world's fastest-growing region. This triennial event provides a platform for ministerial and high-level technical discussions along with opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking between different sectors of society from international organizations, multilateral banks, and local governments down to the scientific community, youth sector, private firms, academe, civil society, and other development partners.

    The 2021 EAS Congress came at a fitting time as the EAS region goes through a new normal while nearing the completion of the 2018-2022 Implementation Plan (IP) of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA). Armed with greater public awareness on the links between ocean health and human health, the region is one and aligned with the global recognition to act on pressing socioeconomic, ecological, and climate change issues, and sustain the momentum of building meaningful and transformative solutions for a sustainable ocean-based economy.


  • 7th East Asian Seas (EAS) Ministerial Forum (MF)

    The Seventh East Asian Seas (EAS) Ministerial Forum was held on 02 December 2021 as part of the EAS Congress 2021, which was held through a hybrid mechanism, with country delegations convening in their respective countries and connected via Zoom. The Ministerial Forum was hosted by the Royal Government of Cambodia through the Ministry of Environment, with support from the Provincial Administration of Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia and co-organized with PEMSEA.

    Carrying the theme, “Advancing our Sustainable Development Agenda: Road to 2030 for Healthy Ocean, People, and Economies”, the Seventh Ministerial Forum, a) highlighted the progress made by the EAS region through the PEMSEA partnership on the implementation of the region’s common framework of action- the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA); b) recognized the impacts as well as the opportunities to build back stronger and greener from the global pandemic, as well as other persistent and emerging concerns in the region; and c) endorsed the PEMSEA Roadmap to 2030 that is anchored on the SDS-SEA vision, shared commitment to the Blue Economy strategy and on the overall sustainable development agenda.

    Eleven countries were represented at the Seventh Ministerial Forum, namely: Cambodia, PR China, DPR Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, RO Korea, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam. The event was participated by the PEMSEA Chair Emeritus, Executive Committee members, representatives from the PEMSEA Non-Country Partners, and various PEMSEA networks from the local governments, academe, and youth as observers. Representatives from PEMSEA’s developing partners from the regional and international level, including from UNDP, were also present, together with other observers from PEMSEA collaborators. The PEMSEA Resource Facility served as Secretariat to the Forum.

    Following the Seventh Ministerial Forum, a 30-minute virtual Press Conference was held, wherein MOE Minister Say Samal, PEMSEA Council Chair Mr. Arief Yuwono, and PEMSEA Executive Director Ms. Aimee Gonzales served as panelists, together with media representatives from the different PEMSEA member countries.


  • 7th East Asian Seas (EAS) Senior Government Officials' Meeting (SGOM)

    The Seventh East Asian Seas (EAS) Senior Government Officials’ Meeting (SGOM) was held on 25 November 2021 via Zoom. Senior Government Officials from 11 PEMSEA Country Partners participated in the meeting, namely: Cambodia, PR China, DPR Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, RO Korea, Singapore, Timor-Leste and Viet Nam. The PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) served as the Secretariat for the Meeting.


  • Virtual Training Workshop On Claims And Compensation For Oil Pollution From Ships

    Recognizing the importance of strengthening national and sub-regional systems for oil spill preparedness and response in the Gulf of Thailand, the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) in collaboration with the IOPC Funds, ITOPF and International Group of P & I Clubs organized a 3 day virtual training workshop on Claims and Compensation for Oil Pollution from Ships on April 20-22 via Zoom.


    The workshop aimed to capacitate relevant personnel on the technical aspects of claims and compensation for oil pollution from ships specifically in the preparation and submission of claims. At the end of the 3 day workshop, participants were expected to come up with measures on how claims and compensation for oil pollution in respective countries be made more efficient.


    Claims and compensation from oil spills has been a challenging task both for governments and claimants where the oil spill incident occurs and to the insurers and organizations, which provide compensation for oil pollution damage resulting from spills. Hence, this training workshop is one of the priority activities in the Gulf of Thailand Strategic Action Plan 2017- 2021. However, recognizing the importance of this subject to other countries, invitation to the workshop was extended to the PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers and PEMSEA Network of Local Governments, who are directly involved in oil spill related programs.


  • Collab 4: IKI/IMO Blue Solutions for Reducing Maritime Transport Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions through Increased Energy Efficiency of Ship and Port Activities in East Asia Project Preparation Kick-Off Meeting

    Maritime transport and its associated activities, including the operation of ships, ports, cargo handling equipment, and trucks are a significant source of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other pollutants emissions. Around 90% of the global trade is transported by sea and 60% of this trade volume passes through the seas and ports of Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping. Heavy cargo vehicles account for less than 10% of all road vehicles but contribute more than 50% of the transport sector’s CO2 emissions in Asia. East and Southeast Asian countries play globally significant roles in maritime transport, supporting shipbuilding industries, containing the world’s busiest ports, and having high marine freight import and export levels. Based on trends showing increasing trade and therefore increased shipping demand, emissions from maritime transport (CH4, CO, CO2, NOx) may increase three to four-fold by 2050.

    Countries in the East Asian region are already undertaking climate change mitigation actions, and have committed to such efforts in regional and international programs and agreements such as the ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan 2018-2025, PEMSEA’s Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA), the Initial IMO GHG Strategy, the IMO Resolution on Cooperation between Shipping and Port Sectors on GHG emissions, as well as the UN SDGs, specifically SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 7 on Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 13 on Climate Action, SDG 14 Life Below Water, and SDG 17 on Partnerships for the Goals.

    As countries continue to shift their maritime transport sector towards a low-carbon future, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in collaboration with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) propose to assist them through the preparation of a five-year, EUR 15 million project entitled ‘Reducing Maritime Transport Emissions in East and Southeast Asian Countries’ (Blue Solutions).

    This report provides the highlights of the kick-off meeting which was organized with the following objectives:

    • to introduce the proposed project’s objectives, components, and project preparation team to the relevant stakeholders in the region;

    • to lay the groundwork for the succeeding bilateral meetings with countries that will take place in the months of July-August 2021;

    • to seek feedback, respond to questions, and generate expressions of support and interest for the project.

    Just over 100 individuals participated in the event, coming from 10 countries (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, RO Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam) as well as a project team from IMO, PEMSEA, and representatives from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).


  • Collab 1: Ocean Roundtable Dialogue (RTD) “Towards a Blue Economy Pathway for the East Asian Seas”

    The Ocean RTD entitled “Towards a Blue Economy Pathway for the East Asian Seas” was organized by Partnerships in Environment Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA). This online event was conducted on 8 June 2021 (World Ocean Day) and was the first of a series of collabs that will culminate in the East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2021 on 1-2 December 2021.

    For many countries worldwide, the ongoing health crisis has disrupted many people’s lives, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) plunged, and unemployment rates soared along with a host of environmental challenges as countries focus on response and recovery efforts, making it challenging to achieve international, regional and national commitments on climate change, biodiversity conservation, marine pollution, and other aspects of coastal and marine governance. The pandemic has resulted in the temporary shutdown or restriction of activities in many ocean-related industries such as fisheries, transport, manufacturing, and tourism. Negative environmental impacts such as the proliferation of plastic pollution and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF) and the reduction of coastal monitoring and enforcement activities were also reported.

    PEMSEA calls for the mainstreaming of sustainable, inclusive, and resilient ocean economy as an alternative development pathway for economic recovery and as a significant driver of economic growth and progress by creating employment and enhancing investment opportunities while at the same time protecting natural capital, enhancing resource efficiency, and reducing carbon footprint.

    The RTD aimed to:

    a) Discuss the impacts of the global pandemic on the state of ocean and coastal economies in the EAS region;

    b) Explore the challenges and opportunities with case studies of best practices in accelerating the region’s transformation into a blue economy against the backdrop of national plans for post-pandemic recovery; and

    c) Present policy recommendations that will feed into the development of the EAS Roadmap to 2030.

    The program and link to the group photos and Youtube recording can be found in Annexes 1 and 2, respectively. Presentation materials/speeches are embedded as links throughout the proceedings.

    The event was participated by Dr. Chua Thia-Eng (Chair Emeritus of the EAS Partnership Council); other officers and members of the Council; and representatives from the youth sector, national and local governments, academe, research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector, and other development partners from within and beyond the EAS region.