The State Of Oceans And Coasts In East Asia


Thursday, December 16, 2021


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Here's to a restful holidays and a better 2022!

It has been a year of challenges, and many challenges are yet still to come. Throughout this, PEMSEA and its partners have managed to continue their work towards a sustainable future for our shared seas. Such work is documented in previous newsletters.

We would like to take this time to look forward. As such, we are pleased to release our Regional State of Ocean and Coasts 2021 (RSOC) report, which provides a detailed look into the environmental, economic, and demographic status of the seas of East Asia as well as actions and recommendations to accelerate the implementation of a sustainable, inclusive and resilient blue economy of the countries in the region.

It is critical to fully understand the value and use of the ocean, and the interactions and different impacts they have with each other. While data availability remains lacking in some areas, models based on what we do know provide some improved understanding. This RSOC 2021 report gives updated information and progress after the release of the initial RSOC 2018 and includes a supplement report on the impacts and opportunities of the global pandemic to transform ocean management and the blue economy.

Happy reading!