E-Update July 2019


Wednesday, July 31, 2019


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Welcome to the July PEMSEA e-update. Towards the end of July PEMSEA held the 11th East Asian Seas (EAS) Partnership Council Meeting, confirming new leadership that will guide PEMSEA in moving towards a vision of healthy oceans, people, and economies. The meeting had partners share updates in implementing the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) which closely aligns with the UN SDGs and other international commitments. They also discussed how the region has been delivering on science based scalable solutions since 1993 and viewed the upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development as an excellent opportunity to share and exchange knowledge, experiences and best practices in linking science-policy and local action within the region and beyond. In between newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@PEMSEA) for the latest updates.