Blue Economy Bulletin October 2019


Thursday, October 31, 2019


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Welcome to the October edition of our Blue Economy Bulletin. In conjunction with this October's Our Ocean conference, PEMSEA released a new report highlighting our experience in the blue economy investment space. Informed by pilot studies, the report is based on a synthesis of primary and secondary research on the latest trends and practices related to ocean investment, and blue economy and private sector engagement in collaboration with organizations, funds, and investment experts. It also informed a published paper on mainstreaming private and public investment in the blue economy.

Such investments are becoming increasingly popular, with over $63 billion pledged to restore ocean health in the Our Ocean conference. Ocean health is key to sustaining natural capital, such as coral reefs and whales, which provide critical ecosystem services. Recovery and sustainability have been highly visible in the Philippines, where parts of the Pasig River system and the island of Guimaras have seen significant environmental restoration, and there is a national effort to ensure the sustainability of blue swimming crab harvests. Further progress has been made to deal with marine plastic pollution, with a new report on standardizing the measurement of waste leakage, and another report highlighting the impact a circular economy could have on climate change. Meanwhile, attendees from local governments throughout Southeast Asia met to discuss the plastic waste challenges facing them.

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