Blue Economy Bulletin August 2018


Friday, August 31, 2018


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This August has seen a frenzy of actions at all levels to keep our rivers and coasts and oceans healthy and resilient. PEMSEA published its “Understanding Integrated Coastal Management” training course, which provides teachers and trainers the tools needed to pass on ICM knowledge. ICM knowledge in many fields will be shared at our EAS Congress 2018 this November, and we are glad to welcome Dale Galvin from Rare as a conference speaker on sustainable fisheries. ICM also benefits from innovative partnerships, and so PEMSEA has partnered with Circulate Capital to help finance solutions to the problem of marine plastic. Circulate Capital seeks to fill capital gaps and prove the investment market by financing opportunities that collect, sort, process, and manufacture using waste in countries known to contribute to ocean plastic.

Water resources have been a subject of considerable discussion this month. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Risks Report predicted water-related issues would be highly impactful over the next decade, a prediction brought into stark relief by Lao PDR’s pause on all hydropower projects following last month’s dam collapse. Rivers hold great value in their resources and ecosystem services, yet these are often overlooked during development, such as in Indonesia’s Kapuas river where locals and fishermen have suffered as pollution increases. In China however, the Jiangsu Provincial Government has successfully used new laws to prosecute a company for dumping waste in the Yangtze river.

A new morphometric method to pinpoint fish origin holds promise in monitoring small-scale fisheries. These fisheries support local communities, and managing them sustainably can be crucial, as shown in the case of Ninh Hai in Viet Nam. Sustainability is also important for other economic sectors, and will be a key consideration in the reopening of the Philippine resort island of Boracay, which has been assessed to have far exceeded its tourism carrying capacity. Sustainability is economically beneficial, as the attraction of places like Boracay demonstrates the value of clean beaches.

In the fight against climate change, cities from around the world have pledged to make their buildings zero carbon by 2050. Such attempts will be aided by innovative ideas: a Philippine student has filed patents for an aircon which does not use damaging hydrofluorocarbons. In the fight against marine pollution, even imperfect solutions are helpful in facilitating change, while ensuring that all links in circular supply chains are developed.

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