Blue Economy Bulletin April 2017


Friday, April 28, 2017


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2017 is an important year for oceans, with the United Nations Ocean Conference planned for June 5-9 in New York City. PEMSEA will be participating in the conference, and earlier this month we were pleased to submit our commitment to supporting SDG 14. We are also excited to highlight a new partnership with R20 Regions of Climate Action on low-carbon, blue economy investment in the region. PEMSEA continues its work on an evidence-based approach to blue economy in the region, and we hosted a webinar on optimizing social media for marine biodiversity conservation.

Countries including China and Indonesia continue taking concrete steps to protect the health of their coasts and oceans. In the private sector, the launch of a new tool for sharing ESG data promises to provide more transparency into companies’ responsible practices. Reports state that investments in conservation have increased, but marine protected areas still lack funding. At the same time, the World Resources Institute released a useful mapping of climate finance architecture.

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