Workshop for DPR Korean Officials and Experts Concludes Successfully
Thursday, 30 April 2009

Manila, Philippines — A workshop on project development for officials and experts from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was organized on 18-21 March in Manila and Batangas, Philippines. The workshop was designed to provide basic understanding of the PEMSEA approach on integrated coastal management (ICM) and the common framework for Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas (SDCA) through ICM.DPR Korea has been a strong advocate of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) as declared during the 1st East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting in 2007. To support DPR Korea with the in-country implementation of the SDS-SEA, the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) developed and contracted a project for preparing necessary works for SDS-SEA implementation through external funding.During the portion of the writeshop on the development of a river basin management project, participants actively engaged in the discussion identifying the major capacity needs for the development and implementation of the Taedong River Basin Management Plan. Dr. Jun Tuddao from the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources presented information on the development and implementation of a river basin management plan for the Pampanga River Basin as a specific case study. Other workshop topics covered the formulation of National ICM Policy in DPR Korea, and the application of various ICM tools for scaling up ICM in DPR Korea, including the State of the Coasts reporting system and the development of a Coastal Strategy Implementation Plan in Nampho.A one-day field trip to the Batangas ICM demonstration site and Mabini Municipality in Batangas Province, Philippines, complemented the workshop. The visits enabled the participants to gain first-hand information on the benefits of ICM and lessons learned from the various ICM-related activities implemented in the area particularly in bringing together the various stakeholders to combat environmental and resource degradation.PRF Executive Director Raphael P.M. Lotilla discussed ways to enhance collaboration between PEMSEA and DPR Korea for the implementation of the SDS-SEA. DPR Korean representatives expressed their country's support to PEMSEA, and indicated that they would consider favorably the 'Agreement Recognizing the Legal Personality of PEMSEA'. It was also agreed that DPR Korea would endeavor to implement the projects discussed during the training sessions, and that PEMSEA would continue to seek financial and technical support for the projects.