Winner declared in the ATSEA-2 logo competition!

Friday, 27 March 2020

Winner declared in the ATSEA-2 logo competition!


PEMSEA and our partners hosted a logo design competition from 19th of February to 7th of March 2020. The competition aimed to seek a logo that can represent the key message of the second phase of the implementation of the Arafura and Timor Seas Regional and National Strategic Action Programs (ATSEA-2): regional collaboration on coastal and marine resources management for a better life. The UNDP/GEF Arafura Timor Seas (ATSEA-2_ project was created primarily to develop a regional mechanism for countries to jointly protect and manage a unique large marine ecosystem teeming with fish, corals, oil and gas, and other marine ecosystem goods and services.


The competition was limited for citizens from four ATSEA littoral countries: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Timor-Leste. In total, 59 logo designs were received. While many entries displayed exceptionally high quality, only one could be chosen. Entries were evaluated by taking into account their relevance to the concept, their originality, and their artistry. Based on that criteria, Mr Achmad Rifqy Ramadhan from Indonesia was selected as the winner.


The logo comprises of seven fishes which represent the movement through ATSEA-2 targets towards the sustainable development of the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS), branching coral which symbolises the readiness of ATSEA-2 to collaborate with other parties to achieve common goals, and two hands facing upward to emphasise the importance of human stewardship in protecting the ATS. The branching coral and hands also resemble a bow that reflects ATSEA-2 focus to achieve predetermined targets. The blue of the logo represents the two shared seas and the wider ocean.


Mr Ramadhan graduated from the Department of Ocean Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia. Currently, he works for the Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center of Sorong (LPSPL Sorong), Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries as Coastal and Ecosystem Management Officer. His motivation for joining the competition is to spark interests for conservation through art, which he hopes can contribute to the sustainability of marine resources and a better world.


Congratulations Mr Achmad Rifqy Ramadhan!


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