Successful PEMSEA Office Building Inauguration Held
Thursday, 21 August 2008

Quezon City, Philippines — On 9 November, the GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme on Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) inaugurated and officially opened its new office building, located at DENR Compound, Quezon City, Philippines. The inauguration was led by the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Jose L. Atienza Jr.; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Deputy Representative Kyo Naka; and PEMSEA Regional Programme Director and Interim Executive Director, Dr. Chua Thia-Eng. The occasion was attended by key DENR officials, members of the diplomatic corps, local government officials, partners from national government agencies, private sector and international and nongovernmental organizations, and members of the media.The Philippines, through the DENR has been serving as host to the Regional Programme since 1994. "The construction of this office building by DENR marks another milestone in the history of our collaboration in the Philippines," remarked Dr. Chua. The event highlights the transformation of the PEMSEA from a project-based arrangement into a regional mechanism, with support from 11 Country Partners and 15 non-Country Partners. The new office building houses the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) Secretariat and Technical Services. The occasion also showcased the key outcomes of the efforts and initiatives in the region. Exhibit panels and publications featuring the outputs of the integrated coastal management (ICM) sites and environmental hotspots were on display.Mr. Naka pointed out that "the new PEMSEA Office Building clearly stands not only as a symbol, but as a living hub for capacity development, and for building new and expanded forms of partnerships in addressing the environmental challenges and sustainable development of this region." He reiterated UNDP's full support and stressed the importance of forging partnerships with PEMSEA, DENR and countries in the region for improved management of land and water resources in line with the Millennium Development Goals to reduce poverty.The guests signed their names on the