Preah Sihanouk to Strengthen ICM Implementation
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Sihanoukville, Cambodia — The Royal Government of Cambodia approved Decision No. 152 SSR on the Establishment and Function of the National Committee for Management and Development of Cambodian Coastal Area on 13 July 2012 to promote sustainable management of coastal areas through integrated planning and monitoring of development activities along the coasts. The decision was developed following the country's acceptance as a member of the Club of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World in May 2011.
Following Decision No: 152 SSR, the Preah Sihanouk Province has updated its Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) for Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) to become the Committee for Management and Development of Cambodian Coastal Area in Preah Sihanouk Province.
The Committee for Coastal Management and Development of Preah Sihanouk province will be the main coordinating body at the local level for projects to ensure consistency of plans and programs by the ministries/institutions, sub-national administration, local and international organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil societies and private sectors based in the coast of Preah Sihanouk to ensure smooth and effective implementation as well as promote continuity of efforts.
As coastal areas are rapidly developing, a major function of the Committee is the review of investment proposals for the coasts, islands, canals, rivers and streams and providing advice to the National Committee. Relevant to this is the monitoring and evaluation of all activities in the coastal area and taking actions against activities which may impact on the natural resources and coastal environment.
The Committee is headed by Governor Sbong Sarath and reports to the National Committee on the National Committee for Management and Development of Cambodian Coastal Area.