NOWPAP at the YSLME Meeting and the Meeting of Regional Seas Coordinators
Friday, 18 March 2011
Nairobi, Kenya — NOWPAP officers attended the 7th Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Panel and Project Steering Committee for the UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) Project in PR China and the meeting of the Coordinators of UNEP-administered Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans in Nairobi, Kenya.
NOWPAP at the YSLME Meeting
The NOWPAP Deputy Coordinator attended the 7th Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Panel and Project Steering Committee for the UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) Project which was held on 23-25 February 2011 in Beijing, the People's Republic of China. The meeting participants were intended to discuss the arrangements for the transitional period, as the current project is expected to be continued into its second phase (to be funded by GEF). As a partner, NOWPAP has been working closely with YSLME and had some activities being jointly implemented. Such cooperation between NOWPAP and YSLME was appreciated by the meeting. As the project is expected to enter into its second phase, NOWPAP will be continuously involved in the implementation.
NOWPAP at the Regional Seas Coordinators Meeting
The NOWPAP Coordinator and Scientific Affairs Officer attended the meeting convened on 21-25 February 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya for the Coordinators of UNEP-administered Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans. At the meeting, the NOWPAP representatives learned about the details of the activities being implemented by the UNEP Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Branch (MCEB) as well as other initiatives such as Blue Carbon, GPA IGR-3, marine litter, nutrients partnership, GEF-5, UN Regular Process and TWAP, Rio+20 conference. The NOWPAP representatives had several meetings with MCEB staff members as well as other UNEP and UNON staff to talk about possible involvement of NOWPAP in MCEB programme of work, including seeking support from MCEB for NOWPAP participation in the Expo 2012 in Yeosu, Korea and smooth implementation of NOWPAP in terms of finance, administrative and human resources services.
As this meeting was held in conjunction with the 26th session of the UNEP Governing Council, NOWPAP representatives met briefly with delegates from NOWPAP member states and in particular were assured by the Russian delegates on the positive solution regarding their contributions to the NOWPAP trust fund.