NOWPAP Takes Action in Recent Activities and Intergovernmental Meeting
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Jeju, RO Korea — The Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) has organized and participated in various activities including the 13th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting and a training course on remote sensing data analysis.The Second NOWPAP training course on remote sensing data analysis was organized jointly by the NOWPAP Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre (CEARAC) and the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) at Cheju National University (Korea) on1-5 November 2008.The training course was conducted for 23 selected trainees, including postgraduate students, professional researchers and local government officers working in the field of marine sciences, from China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, France and Thailand. 12 lecturers from the NOWPAP countries (China, Japan, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation) and Germany, India and USA delivered lectures on remote sensing applications for monitoring and assessment of the marine and coastal environment in the Northwest Pacific Region.Intergovernmental Meeting in KoreaThe 13th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting was held on 20-21 October 2008 in Jeju, RO Korea. The meeting was attended by representatives of the NOWPAP member states (China, Japan, Korea and Russia), UNEP (Marine Ecosystems Unit and Division of GEF Coordination) and NOWPAP partners (COBSEA, PEMSEA and YSLME). The IOC/WESTPAC and PICES provided written statements to the meeting for enhancing cooperation with NOWPAP.The meeting reviewed the programme of work for 2007-2008 and approved the report of the Executive Director of UNEP on the progress of the implementation of NOWPAP activities and budget; adopted the NOWPAP Regional Oil and Hazardous and Noxious Substance Spill Contingency Plan; and approved the new directions of work for NOWPAP Regional Activity Centres for 2008-2011. The meeting encouraged member states to facilitate and promote the implementation of the NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI).The next NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting will be held in Japan in 2009.The NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit also participated in the 3rd Workshop of the Yellow Sea Partnership (YSP) in Changwon, the RO Korea on 2 November. The meeting was attended by about 30 people from more than 20 organizations. Participants shared information on activities that have been implemented or are being planned in relation to the protection of the Yellow Sea. The 12 presentations focused on regional efforts and local actions taken in the Yellow Sea region and beyond. NOWPAP delivered a presentation introducing recent NOWPAP activities on marine litter, harmful algal blooms, oil spills and integrated coastal and river basin management.