NOWPAP Strengthens Links with Partners
Monday, 16 June 2008

RO Korea — NOWPAP has recently increased exchange with partners through participation in a number of international meetings and workshops.On 7-10 April, NOWPAP activities were presented at the 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands (attended by over 400 patricians from 70 countries). NOWPAP is trying to bring interested partners, such as PEMSEA, to share their experience in Integrated Coastal and River Basin Management (ICARM), and have received positive response.At the 2008 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Conference on 23-25 April, NOWPAP marine litter activities and future plans were introduced to 60 attendees, including the ICC national coordinators from the United States and around the world. NOWPAP publications on marine litter were distributed to participants. The Ocean Conservancy, the ICC initiator and advocate, has expressed its willingness to participate in a training workshop planned by NOWPAP in September 2008, in order to further promote the ICC campaign in the region.Presentation on NOWPAP efforts in marine litter monitoring has been made at the meeting of the UNEP/IOC Technical Working Group (TWG) on 1-3 May. TWG members discussed the first draft of the UNEP/IOC Operational Guidelines on Survey and Monitoring of Marine Litter. Experience accumulated by NOWPAP member states in marine litter monitoring will be taken into account while finalizing the UNEP/IOC Guidelines, along with expertise from OSPAR, HELCOM and other programmes.In order to strengthen partnerships with other organizations and programmes in the region, NOWPAP participated in the 7th IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium "Nature Hazards and the Changing Marine Environment in the Western Pacific" and the 12th Session of the NEAR-GOOS Coordinating Committee which took place on 21-25 May. Both meetings were organized in conjunction with 7th Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific on 26-29 May. Presentations on NOWPAP current and future activities were delivered for strengthening further cooperation with partners.NOWPAP has recently increased exchange with partners through participation in a number of international meetings and workshops.On 7-10 April, NOWPAP activities were presented at the 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands (attended by over 400 patricians from 70 countries). NOWPAP is trying to bring interested partners, such as PEMSEA, to share their experience in Integrated Coastal and River Basin Management (ICARM), and have received positive response.At the 2008 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Conference on 23-25 April, NOWPAP marine litter activities and future plans were introduced to 60 attendees, including the ICC national coordinators from the United States and around the world. NOWPAP publications on marine litter were distributed to participants. The Ocean Conservancy, the ICC initiator and advocate, has expressed its willingness to participate in a training workshop planned by NOWPAP in September 2008, in order to further promote the ICC campaign in the region.Presentation on NOWPAP efforts in marine litter monitoring has been made at the meeting of the UNEP/IOC Technical Working Group (TWG) on 1-3 May. TWG members discussed the first draft of the UNEP/IOC Operational Guidelines on Survey and Monitoring of Marine Litter. Experience accumulated by NOWPAP member states in marine litter monitoring will be taken into account while finalizing the UNEP/IOC Guidelines, along with expertise from OSPAR, HELCOM and other programmes.In order to strengthen partnerships with other organizations and programmes in the region, NOWPAP participated in the 7th IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium "Nature Hazards and the Changing Marine Environment in the Western Pacific" and the 12th Session of the NEAR-GOOS Coordinating Committee which took place on 21-25 May. Both meetings were organized in conjunction with 7th Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific on 26-29 May. Presentations on NOWPAP current and future activities were delivered for strengthening further cooperation with partners.