NOWPAP Leads EAS Congress Workshop on Transboundary Pollution
Monday, 9 February 2009

Jeju, RO Korea — The Northwest Pacific Action Plan's Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Centre (NOWPAP-POMRAC) has agreed to co-convene a workshop in the East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2009 to share experiences in developing and implementing its Integrated Coastal and River-basin Management (ICARM). ICARM is NOWPAP's key project that is designed to promote closer cooperation at the management level between the freshwater, coastal, and ocean communities.Under the Pollution Reduction and Waste Management theme, the workshop "Transboundary Pollution Reduction in River Basins and Coastal Areas" will be a follow through topic of the EAS Congress 2006 session on Local Government Financing for Water, Sewage and Sanitation. The 2009 Congress will provide an opportunity to learn about on-the-ground good practices in the NOWPAP, East Asian Seas and other regions on transboundary pollution reduction through integrated management approaches, and experiences on integrating pollution reduction measures and tools in river basin management among established river basin management programs and areas that are starting the process.The workshop will include an interactive session for dynamic interaction between participants and presenters to discuss potential investment opportunities for pollution reduction and promote appropriate financing arrangements among project proponents, financial institutions and private sector groups. Dr. Anatoly Kachur, POMRAC Director, has agreed to closely coordinate with PEMSEA with the development of the programme.The Congress 2009 international conference is comprised of 6 major themes including a. Coastal and Ocean Governance; b. Natural and Man-made Hazard Prevention and Management; c. Habitat Protection, Restoration and Management; d. Water Use and Supply Management; e. Food Security and Livelihood Management; and f. Pollution Reduction and Waste Management. Organizations who are interested to co-convene workshop sessions can contact the or for details.