NOWPAP DINRAC Convened 11th Focal Points Meeting
Friday, 16 August 2013

Beijing, PR China — NOWPAP Data and Information Network Regional Activity Center (DINRAC) held its 11th Focal Points Meeting on 24-25 July 2013 in Beijing. The goals of this meeting were to review ongoing projects, discuss suggested activities for 2014-2015, and agree on the work plan and budget for the 2014-2015 biennium (to be approved by the 18th NOWPAP IGM in December 2013).
Among other issues, the compilation of major marine environmental data on DINRAC website and preparation of an atlas on marine invasive species were discussed in detail. The atlas is expected to be published at the end of 2013.
In 2014-2015, DINRAC will undertake the following activities:
Continue visualization of DINRAC website;
Collect information on endangered marine species in the NOWPAP region;
Continue preparation of annual summaries of major marine environment data; and
Continue updating existing DINRAC databases.