Newly-elected Executive Committee Chairs to Convene First Meeting
Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Quezon City, Philippines — Following the First EAS Partnership Council Meeting in Manado City, Indonesia, the newly-elected Chairs of the Executive Committee are ready to face the challenge and immediately scheduled their first meeting on 14–15 September at the PEMSEA Office, in Manila, to discuss the decisions and actions required by the EAS Partnership Council.The Executive Committee will address several priority issues including: a) establishment of the PEMSEA Partnership Fund and resource mobilization; b) PEMSEA's legal personality; and c) recruitment of the Executive Director.The Executive Committee is composed of the Council, Technical Session, and Intergovernmental Session Chairs with the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) serving as the Secretary. The three Chairs were elected by consensus at the First EAS Partnership Council Meeting. Dr. Chua Thia-Eng was elected as Council Chair, Dr. Li Haiqing of PR China was elected as Intergovernmental Session Chair, and Mr. Hiroshi Terashima as Technical Session Chair. In view of Dr. Chua's current status as PEMSEA Regional Programme Director (RPD) and Interim Executive Director (ED) of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF), the Executive Committee decided to appoint Dr. Li Haiqing as Acting Council Chair until the end of September 2007 or upon the completion of Dr. Chua's term as RPD and Interim ED.The role of the Executive Committee is crucial as it provides guidance to, and oversees the implementation of decisions of the Council intersessionally.