MERRAC and DINRAC organized their Focal Points Meetings
Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Beijing, PR China — NOWPAP Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre (MERRAC) and Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre (DINRAC) held their Focal Points meetings on 14-18 May and 23-24 May 2012 in Yeosu and Beijing, respectively.
At the MERRAC Focal Points Meeting, the following major activities were decided to be carried out for the next two years among other routine tasks:
Compiling a report on the legislation and practice related to civil liability and compensation for marine pollution damage in NOWPAP region;
Developing practical assistance procedure and system under the NOWPAP Regional Contingency Plan;
Preparing a manual on conducting oil spill response operational exercise and a pamphlet on HNS database and spill response;
Considering possible ways of involvement in the Global Initiative (GI) Programme through the cooperation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Global Oil and Gas Industry Association for Environmental and Social Issues (IPIECA) in the NOWPAP region.
At the same time, the DINRAC Focal Points meeting decided the following major activities for 2012-2013:
Preparing annual summary of major marine environmental data available in NOWPAP member states;
Preparing a summary of the policies and measures for the prevention of coastal and marine pollution in NOWPAP member states;
Implementing a project on marine invasive species which is funded by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).
In addition to those activities, both MERRAC and DINRAC will participate together with the other RACs in the implementation of NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter and the preparation of the second NOWPAP State of Marine Environment Report.