Consultations on the Development of NOWPAP's Medium-term Strategy

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Toyama, Japan — As requested by the member states at the recently convened 15th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM) in Moscow, the Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) of NOWPAP has started consultations with the Regional Activity Centres on the development of the NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy in order to enhance NOWPAP implementation.


The RCU has convened meetings with NOWPAP's CEARAC and MERRAC in December 2010 and January 2011 to discuss their comments and suggestions for elaborating the strategy, while exchanging ideas with NOWPAP's DINRAC and POMRAC as well through correspondence. After the completion of the consultations, the strategy will be further modified and shared with NOWPAP national focal points for their comments aiming for its final approval at the 16th NOWPAP IGM in 2011. Once adopted at the 16th IGM, the strategy which sets directions for NOWPAP implementation in 2012-2017 will be used to prioritize future NOWPAP activities, including the next biennium programme of work of 2012-2013.


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