COMI Co-convened EAS Congress 2009
Friday, 23 April 2010

Manila, Philippines — On 25 November, Coastal and Management Institute (COMI) of Xiamen University and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) in England jointly organized the workshop "The Science in Ecosystem-based Management", a branch workshop of the Third East Asian Seas Congress 2009 hosted in Manila, Philippines, which also served as an important platform for the first cooperation between COMI and PEMSEA."The Science in Ecosystem-based Management" highlighted how the various ocean and coastal sciences are utilized to improve ocean and coastal government efficiency on the way to sustainable development of coastal seas. During the meeting, Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (COMI) and Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), another partner of the EAS Congress, held a tentative meeting agenda on potential research cooperation, academic capacity, official mechanism, etc. It is reported that they will draft a memorandum of understanding in the future.