Training Workshop Taxonomy Terrestrial Plants
Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia

The dynamic growth of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region and its neighboring countries Japan, China and Korea (also referred to as ASEAN + 3) in recent years has increased the pressure on their natural resources. Human activities, the driving force behind the regional growth, threaten biological resources. Lack of scientific information on biodiversity in this region has affected the assessment and prediction of biodiversity changes, caused mainly by the lack of taxonomic capacity in data collection and analysis. On the global front, the lack of trained human resources and inadequate capacities in taxonomy are obstacles in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) requirements. This also holds true with Member States of the ASEAN. At its 9th Meeting, the Conference of Parties to the CBD (COP9) adopted Decision IX/22, covering the Programme of Work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI). The Programme of Work was later revised and adopted during COP10 through Decision X/39. Parties to the CBD were urged to promote the Programme of Work through coordination of its implementation with existing national, regional, sub-regional and global partners and institutions; designation of national GTI focal points; and provision of updated information about legal requirements for exchange of genetic/biological specimens, current legislation and rules for access and benefit-sharing related to the GTI, and initiatives on setting-up of national and regional networks to aid the Parties in their taxonomic needs to implement the CBD. Adequate taxonomy is a necessary tool required for the global community to implement the Millennium Development Goals and the development targets set by the World Summit for Sustainable Development. Without adequate long-term investment in the human, infrastructural (including important biological collections) and information resources necessary to underpin the science of taxonomy, the now well-recognized taxonomic impediment will continue to prevent implementation of sound, scientifically-based sustainable, environmental management and development policies. Responding to these situations, the Government of Japan, through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), approved in July 2010 a project proposal by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB): “Taxonomic Capacity Building and Governance for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity”. An inception meeting/workshop was conducted in Manila, Philippines on 31 August - 01 September 2010 to provide direction and work out the details of the project. It identified three training topics to be conducted, one of which is the taxonomy of plants. Objectives of the Training Workshop Generally, the training workshop aims to capacitate participants in the area of taxonomy of terrestrial plants. Specifically, the training workshop will: Introduce the participants to the taxonomy of terrestrial plants particularly selected families of monocots Familiarize the participants with the general biology of monocots Upgrade the taxonomic skills of the participants in the following areas: Methods of morphological observation Sample collection, processing and managing Databasing Provide hands-on experience through a field exercise in collection of samples Expected Outputs Participants’ skills in terrestrial plants taxonomy especially on monocots upgraded. Participants introduced to advanced taxonomic methodologies. Participants provided with hands-on experience in collections management, cataloguing and storage. Participants Participants to this Training Workshop will be representatives of the ASEAN Member States who have background in botany, plant ecology and related fields; and with academic or government positions, working on terrestrial botany or plant ecology.
Asean Centre for Biodiversity
+63 49 5362865
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