Policy Perspectives on the Great East Japan Tsunami March 2017
United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on 11 March 2011 caused nearly 20,000 people to lose their lives. Major damage and destruction occurred to buildings and infrastructure in the coastal zone that was flooded, with large societal impacts and social and economic consequences. Since the event many national and international post-tsunami field surveys have been carried out. Performance analyses of tsunami early warning systems in place at the time of this event have also been done. Based on these surveys and performance analyses the symposium will offer a number of invited high level perspectives from decision makers and scientists and address topics including:
Event facts and analysis
Tsunami Warning Systems, Tsunami preparedness and event experiences
What has been learned from this event and policy implications
The symposium will be opened by Ms Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO.
Optional Field Excursion
Following the symposium an optional two day excursion is planned for 18-19 February 2012 in the Tohoku region. The precise cost for the optional excursion will be available in the second announcement.
Advanced registration is needed to attend the symposium. There is no registration or attendance fee. Early registration for the symposium and the optional field excursion should be e-mailed to m.yamamoto@unesco.org
Travel Grants
A small number of travel grants are available for students, young scientists and policy makers to attend this symposium. Requests should be e-mailed to m.yamamoto@unesco.org no later than 2 December 2011. Please include a motivation letter and a CV with your request.
Further Information
More information about the program of the symposium, accommodation options, visa and field trip will be available with the Second Announcement, to be released by 16 November 2011.