PICES 2014 Annual Meeting
Yeosu, Korea

For more than two decades, PICES has been the forum for scientists to develop a better understanding of North Pacific ecosystem structure and functions and a place to reflect on what changes are occurring. Two integrative scientific programs have been at the core of PICES activities: CCCC (Climate Change and Carrying Capacity) and FUTURE (Forecasting and Understanding Trends, Uncertainty and Responses of North Pacific Marine Ecosystems). While they have advanced our knowledge of the patterns and mechanisms of ecosystem change in the North Pacific, many unknowns remain. FUTURE is developing a predictive capability for North Pacific ecosystem change, but many fundamental scientific questions remain that are beyond its scope.
PICES-2014 is an opportunity for its diverse scientific community to assess the current understanding of marine ecosystems in the North Pacific, to broadly discuss scientific questions that are not being adequately addressed, and to identify the fundamental scientific questions that remain to be answered. Official language English Deadlines June 20, 2014 RegistrationJune 20, 2014 Abstract SubmissionJune 20, 2014 Financial Support ApplicationAugust 15, 2014 Notification of Abstract AcceptanceAugust 15, 2014 Notification of Financial Support Grant For more information, please visit http://www.pices.int/meetings/annual/PICES-2014/2014-background.aspx