Contributions of Marine Economic Sectors to Regional and National GDP
Philippine International Convention Center, Philippines

The economic contribution of marine activities is considered to be increasingly important part of the economy and international trade within and across East Asian countries. For example, China's marine economy has achieved rapid development in recent years, with the output of major marine industries surging from RMB 6 million in 1978 to RMB 1.7 trillion in 2005, and the ratio of its contribution to the country's GDP growth rising 4% (Gov.CN; May 11, 2006). In a similar vane, in March 2008, addressing the fourth International Exhibition on Shipbuilding, Marine Technology and Transportation, Vietnam's Deputy Prime Minister stated that the marine economy must account for more than 50 percent of gross domestic product by 2020.
The workshop addressed how these marine economic sectors will continue to contribute to regional and national GDPs at these levels as the impacts of climate change shape the economics of the region in the coming century. With countries forecasting further development of their marine sectors, the workshop provided answers not only on how countries will achieve their objectives, but also how they can ensure that such development will serve as an enabling vehicle for addressing mitigation and adaptation policies and strategies for global warming.