Southeastern Coast of Bali Initial Risk Assessment


Wednesday, September 01, 2004




Out of Print


Environmental risk assessment estimates the likelihood of harm being done to identified targets as a result of factors emanating from human activity, but which reach the targets through the environment. This combines knowledge about the factors that bring about hazards, their levels in the environment, and the pathways to the targets. This initial risk assessment (IRA) of the Southeastern Coast of Bali was conducted as a preliminary step to the refined risk assessment. It provides a glimpse of environmental conditions in the area using available secondary data. It serves as a screening mechanism to identify priority environmental concerns in the area, identify data gaps and uncertainties and recommend areas for immediate management intervention or further assessment. It identifies contaminants that present acceptable risks and, hence, may not need further assessment, and highlights contaminants that present risks to the environment and/or to human health. It also identifies resources and habitats that are at risk and recognizes significant causes of risks. The results of the IRA will be used to formulate an action plan for a more comprehensive risk assessment that is focused on the identified priority areas of concern. Evaluating the results of the IRA will also facilitate improvement and refinement of the methods used.