Proceedings of the Realizing the SDGs through Strategic Partnerships: A Future Trajectory for Action in the Northwest Pacific (EASC2018 Session 4 Workshop 3)


Friday, November 30, 2018


Meeting Documents


Only Available Online


The session focused on how the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (or NOWPAP), one of the eighteen Regional Seas Programmes of the UN Environment (or UNEP), could keep a momentum and strengthen further regional cooperation and partnership building, which have facilitated scientific assessments, contributed positively to institutional development and were part of the regional ocean governance in the Northwest Pacific region. More specifically, the session explored the challenges and opportunities for regional partnerships and cooperation that are necessary to realize Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and achieving the SDGs.

Presentations were followed by more in-depth discussion focused on marine litter management, pollution reduction and eutrophication, preparedness and response to oil and chemical spills, coastal zone management, and regional ocean governance.

Speakers emphasized that to advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the region, NOWPAP would need to address the following three-interconnected challenges:

  1. Building lasting regional peace through science diplomacy;
  2. Supporting sustainable growth and prosperity; and
  3. Protecting the marine and coastal environment.