Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment for Coastal and Marine Areas: A Training Manual


Monday, March 01, 2004


Manuals, Guides and Webinars




This book aims to help readers understand the value, principles, practices, process, techniques and applications of integrated environmental impact assessment (IEIA). This knowledge, in turn, contributes to making informed decisions on balancing economic growth with sustainable development. As a training manual, some of the important objectives of this book are to: develop proper appreciation on the needs and benefits of IEIA in project development; examine the development and role of IEIA; explain the differences between environmental impact assessment (EIA) in countries which have varying environmental, political, and cultural milieus; understand the parameters—physical, chemical, biological, socioeconomic and legal, and ecological—which are important in determining the potential impacts of development projects and analyze the data generated from these parameters and present them in a manner that is relevant to IEIA; examine tools and techniques in IEIA; demonstrate how to integrate analyses of financial viability and economic and social desirability within an overall framework for the assessment of social, economic and environmental sustainability; discuss limitations and problems in undertaking IEIA and the solutions to these; apply this knowledge through reviews and role-play exercises. The manual can be used for projects for coastal areas where the holistic approach to management is applied, especially during the making of the environmental profile, which could match with data gathering for IEIA. The impacts and conflicts of the different uses of resources and activities in coastal waters can be identified and addressed accordingly to benefit both IEIA and coastal management. Even performance indicators, risks assessment, and stakeholders' interview/participation can be done simultaneously for both objectives.