PNLG and the Ansan Declaration


Monday, February 27, 2017


Brochures and Infographics


Local Government Action Statement in support of the UN SDGs

PNLG Members are already acting – through the implementation of ICM programs – to improve conservation efforts, protect biodiversity, adapt to climate change, reduce pollution, build sustainable communities, but progress too often goes unrecognized and is not measured or reported consistently. Sharing the impact of these ongoing efforts and catalyzing new actions is imperative, in part because of the recently adopted UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but also as a core objective of the PNLG network.

Real momentum can only occur when national and local governments collaborate – the updated SDS-SEA 2015 and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021 provide the prospect for improving alliances between the two levels of government. The timing is right.

PNLG Members have an enormous opportunity to make even greater impact. The PNLG Members’ actions in four sectors of the SDGs – water and sanitation, sustainable communities, climate, and food security and conservation – brings attention to and quantifies local government commitments and actions, provides investment opportunities and enhances investor confidence and capital flows into sustainable development efforts at the sub-national level.