Land Area:
Inland Water Area:
Lao PDR is strongly linked with its river systems. More than 80% of Lao PDR is within the Mekong River basin, providing the country with the highest per capita water allocation in the region. Spanning the Sekong, Saravane and Champasack provinces, the Sedone Rivers basin is one of the major river basins of the country, and has a total land area of 7,229km2.
A significant achievement of Lao PDR is the integrated management of the Sedone River Basin, one of the 10 priority river basins for IRBM implementation in the country. The Sedone River runs for 1,574km in Southern Lao and has five main tributaries and 18 sub-basins. A lifeblood of about 690,000 people, Sedone River supports various socioeconomic activities including coffee plantations, hydropower generation, tourism and agriculture. Since 2008, Lao PDR and PEMSEA have been working together to develop the Sedone River Basin Profile and adopt the Sedone River Basin Sustainable Development Strategy. The partnership continues with the implementation of the SDS-SEA Scaling Up Project in Lao PDR focusing on: development of the National River Basin Strategy to 2030; development of the National Guideline for Water Resources Use Fee; development of the national IRBM demonstration site in Houay Paii, Saravan Province and; implementation of the Sedone River Basin Sustainable Development Strategy including development of management plans for the 3 sub-basins (Houay Champi, Houay Paii and Houa Sedone) in the Sedone Riber basin.
The Sedone Integrated River Basin Management Project (SIRBMP) promotes an interprovincial and multisectoral approach to manage the resources in Sedone. It is a collaborative effort among the three provinces, the Department of Water Resources and PEMSEA. The SIRBMP is providing capacity development in various aspects of river basin management, including rapid appraisal, assessing the state of river basin development, river basin strategy development, information management and other activities designed to strengthen capacity of the Project Management Team. The intergovernmental Project Steering Committee (PSC) established in the provinces of Champasack, Saravan, and Sekong provides policy direction and recommendations to the implementation of the SIRBMP. The Project Coordinating Offices established in each of the provinces serves as Secretariat to the PSCs.
A comprehensive river basin strategy, the Sedone River Basin Strategy and its implementation plan (Sedone Riverbasin Sustainable Development and Management Plan (2015-2030), which was adopted in 2014 by the Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment in the 3 provinces, serves as a blueprint for the sustainable management of resources in the Sedone watershed area. Major implementation activities include policy implementation, land use planning, riverbank rehabilitation, protected area management, waste management, information dissemination and public awareness.
In an effort to lay the mechanism for improved watershed management, the Government of Lao PDR passed and approved its updated Water and Water Resources Law covering the comprehensive management of the country’s water resources, mitigation of potential water-related disasters and management of wastewater discharges during its National Assembly in May 2017. The country has also embarked in the development of its National River Basin Strategy to 2030 for improved management of its water resources.
Focal Points:
Dr. Inthavy Akkharath (National Focal Point)
Director-General, Department of Water Resources (DWR), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)
c/o Ms. Chindavanh Souriyaphack (main contact point)
Senior Officer, DWR, MONRE
Integrated River Basin Management Project Newsletter - Edition 5
"Steering the Flow" is the fifth edition of the Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) Project's newsletter, highlighting key milestones and meetings for the last quarter of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. From the IRBM Project's participation in the 2024 East Asian Seas Congress and The Pavilion for People at the 2025 World Economic Forum, to the launch of the State of River Basin Guidebook and the ongoing assessment of the interplay between water use conflicts and the water-energy-food-ecosystem security nexus in ASEAN river basins — the IRBM Project is set to steer the governance and management of priority river basins in ASEAN Member States.
Harmonizing Oceans: Transboundary Strategies for Climate Resilience in North-East Asia
The Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) and ESCAP Subregional Office for
East and North-East Asia jointly organized a session titled “Harmonizing Oceans: Transboundary Strategies for Climate Resilience in North-East Asia”. This session highlighted the role of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) under the Coastal and Marine Spatial
Planning (CSMP) regime in North-East Asia and beyond in fostering regional resilience against climate impacts and promoting ecosystem conservation.Key topics included:
- Understanding Climate Change Impacts: Examining how climate change affects marine ecosystems in this region.
- Applying CMSP Strategies: Sharing successful CMSP strategies and their role in climate-related conservation efforts (e.g., blue carbon, community-led habitat restoration).
- Enhancing Transboundary Cooperation: Discussing how multi-stakeholder engagement can strengthen regional conservation initiatives.
Additionally, the session underscored capacity building and knowledge exchange, providing a platform for member States and relevant stakeholders to share best practices and enhance skills for managing MPAs and addressing regional marine environmental challenges.
PEMSEA eBulletin - January 2025
Dear PEMSEA community,
Welcome to 2025!
We hope you have recovered from the successes and challenges in 2024 and are ready to step into the new year with firm resolve to work with us in driving synergistic actions and building resilience across the East Asian Seas region.
This January, we’re excited to share updates on our ongoing efforts! Check out our recent study on Harmonizing Blue Carbon Accounting, comparing practices in Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and VERRA international standards and discover why harmonization is key to effective climate action. Celebrate the milestones of the Marine Plastics ODA Project and the plans for 2025 as we ramp up efforts to tackle marine plastics aligned with global, national, and local targets.
Learn how the East Asian Seas region is fighting the Triple Planetary Crises (TPC) through regional partnerships and stronger collaborations. Discover Yancheng City, a pioneer in digital-green transformation and PNLG’s newest member. Finally, join PEMSEA and the Philippines in celebrating Zero-Waste Month, promoting sustainable waste management for a cleaner, zero-waste future!