E-Update January 2020


Thursday, January 30, 2020


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Welcome to the first of PEMSEA's 2020 e-updates. We would like to open the year by sharing information about our SEA Knowledge Bank (SEAKB), which had its contents and features expanded in 2019. The High Level Panel for the Sustainable Ocean Economy has released the first two of its Blue Paper Reports, The future of food from the sea and The expected impacts of climate change on the ocean economy. The climate change paper is timely, given the past 10 years were the hottest in history.

The UN is drafting new plans to replace the expired and largely unachieved Aichi biodiversity targets, with the aim of halting further extinction. These targets will be too late for the Chinese paddlefish, which has been declared extinct by researchers. The target to reach a deal by 2020 to prevent overfishing has also been missed.

Global consumption is rising, reaching 100 billion tonnes annually last year. China has taken action to reduce its waste output, announcing bans on some single-use plastic items. Uncollected waste is thought to have exacerbated flooding in Jakarta over the New Year period.

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