Sihanoukville Autonomous Port Enhances Port Environmental Management
Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia — Consistent with its vision "to be a leading Logistic and Distribution Center," Sihanoukville Autonomous Port - the sole international and commercial deep seaport of the Kingdom of Cambodia — embarked on the development of a Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System (PSHEMS), with guidance from PEMSEA.
Nineteen participants representing the different departments of Sihanoukville Autonomous Port participated in the PSHEMS workshops last 22-26 March and 17-21 May 2010, as part of a series of training workshops on PSHEMS. The series of workshops are designed to enhance knowledge and understanding on the PSHEM Code and provide participants with the necessary skills to establish, implement and continually improve the PSHEMS of Sihanoukville Autonomous Port.During the workshop, the participants were able to develop the PSHEMS Policy for Sihanoukville Autonomous Port consistent with the requirements of the PSHEM Code. The developed policy expresses Sihanoukville Autonomous Port's commitment to: prevent accidents, comply with applicable regulations, prevent pollution and improve safety, health and environmental performance.The workshop also covered: (a) identification of safety, health and environmental hazards and performance risk assessment to assess the significance of different hazards found in the port; (b) the development of regulatory register and establishment of PSHEMS objectives, targets and improvement programs. These skills enabled the participants to perform the Initial Status Review and the Strategic Planning Phases of PSHEMS development in the autonomous port.The next PSHEMS training workshops, which will be attended by representatives from the port and contractors operating inside the port is scheduled in the second half of 2010. It will cover system development and documentation, implementation of the PSHEMS, monitoring performance, auditing and continual improvement.His Excellency Lou Kim Chhun, Chairman and CEO of the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port expressed the commitment of the management of port to establish the PSHEMS, in line with the Memorandum of Agreement signed between PEMSEA and the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. He also expressed his gratitude to PEMSEA for its consideration to extend technical assistance to the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port for the development of its PSHEMS.