Training of Trainers Course on Integrated Coastal Management
PEMSEA Resource Facility, Quezon City, Philippines

The Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Train the Trainers course will provide participants with better understanding on how the ICM framework has become a useful methodology to promote sustainable development of coastal areas emphasizing on the basic concepts and principles of ICM, the framework and processes involved in developing and implementing ICM at the local and national levels; and tools to assess the social, economic, and environmental status, use and management of coastal areas.
It is intended to strengthen participants' knowledge and skills essential in the implementation of ICM program and enhance their teaching skills to ensure effective delivery of ICM Level 1 training course within the standards required by PEMSEA. Participants who have successfully completed the course will be part of the National Task Force for ICM in China.
The training is jointly organized by the Department of International Cooperation, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), and Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA).
Participants include 11 ICM practitioners and young professionals from research and academic institutions in China and the Philippines with good understanding on coastal resource systems, directly involved in coastal and marine environmental management work and can understand and speak English.
Course Expectations
Upon course completion, participants should be able to:
Recognize the benefits of integrated coastal management as a systematic and holistic approach to sustainable coastal and marine resource management.
Discuss the basic concepts, principles, framework and processes of ICM and how their application strengthens governance for sustainable development of coastal and marine areas.
Describe the essential tools and methodologies that can be applied at the various stages of the ICM cycle.
Explain the essential elements of the Framework for Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas (SDCA) through ICM implementation.
Review the contents of each module and cite practical experiences from other ICM programs in PR China;
Apply appropriate teaching strategies and techniques for effective delivery of the training modules.
Course Design and Approaches
This course reviews the basic principles, framework, processes and good practices of ICM implementation based on PEMSEA's 16 years of experience;
It will discuss key components of the Framework for Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas reinforced by experiences from various ICM programs in the East Asian region;
Case studies on the experiences and lessons learned from PEMSEA's ICM demonstration projects in Xiamen (PR China) Danang Viet Nam), Chonburi (Thailand), Sihanoukville (Cambodia) and Batangas Bay (Philippines) are incorporated in the discussions.
Provide case examples and practical experiences on the different stages of the ICM program development and implementation cycle.
Micro-teaching /delivery of modules with a panel of experts in ICM and teaching methods.