Past Event

Asia Regional Forum on Biodiversity

The Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand

03 Nov 2011 08:00 AM to 04 Nov 2011 05:00 PM
Celebrating Earth Day amidst COVID-19

At the Tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the engagement of and collaboration with key actors and stakeholders, including the private sector, as partners in the implementation of the CBD and integration of biodiversity concerns into their relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral plans, programmes, and policies was actively promoted.


Raising awareness about the values of biodiversity is a continuing task. Over the past decade, biodiversity has generated much interest. Zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and nature shows are always popular. Yet beyond the knowledge of a few charismatic species, there exists a gap in public awareness about the critical role that biodiversity plays in providing the essentials for our survival and well-being. Societies and economies benefit a lot from biodiversity. From the provision of food, preservation and restoration of human health and well-being to products' innovation and invention, biodiversity has contributed to business growth and development. But the lack of awareness and understanding of the immense values of biodiversity has made societies overuse or misuse these resources. The lack of concern for biodiversity also means less public support for its conservation and sustainable use.


Similarly, the critical role of the business sector in the sustainable management of biodiversity cannot be understated. Recognizing the valuable role of the business sector at COP 9 held in Bonn, Germany, the partnership between private sector and biodiversity through Business and Biodiversity Initiative (BBI) was formalized. There were 34 international companies that initially joined the BBI and signed the Leadership Declaration signifying their commitment to the three CBD's goals of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of biodiversity, and access and benefits sharing of utilization of genetic resources. This momentum was carried over during COP 10 held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010. Today, more than 40 global companies have affirmed their commitment to sustainable management of biodiversity.


Recognizing the contribution of biodiversity to businesses and the need for biodiversity conservation, participating companies in the BBI are setting an example of instituting ways, methods and instruments for integrating and mainstreaming biodiversity into business management and activities. These global companies can be instrumental and influential in ushering, in general, public awareness and support for biodiversity conservation in the Asian region. To affirm these initiatives, during the Nagoya Meeting, COP 10 adopted a number of decisions that encourages Business Engagement as reflected in Agenda item 4.9 (b) of the Conference.


To ensure that Asian countries and businesses become key players in the advocacy for the sustainable management of biodiversity resources, the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park Foundation under the patronage of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in collaboration with the Royal Thai Government, the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) through the Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Asia-Pacific, will organize and conduct a forum that will actively promote public awareness about biodiversity through showcasing best practices of biodiversity management that involves communities in the region and explore expanded partnership with business sector in Asia, development of private-public-state partnerships to mainstream biodiversity concerns, provision of incentives to investments on biodiversity conservation, encouragement to conduct sustainable and biodiversity-friendly business activities, and continued promotion of business and biodiversity initiatives to various business communities in national, regional, and global levels.




The Asia Regional Forum on Biodiversity has the following objectives:


Demonstrate the best business practices including CSRs for biodiversity conservation that involves communities;
Demonstrate business leadership in biodiversity conservation in several sectors;
Share ideas and approaches for conservation that involves communities among stakeholders;
Promote biodiversity conservation strategies including indigenous knowledge and eliciting commitments that can be translated into actions;
Build knowledge and sharing experiences for small and medium enterprises engagement with communities that will encourage them to build their biodiversity conservation capacities; and
Promote general public awareness, education, and capacity building on biodiversity.


A key product of this forum will be a publication that would compile the best practices of business and community partnership on biodiversity conservation in the Asian Region.


Target Participants


Asian government officials responsible for promoting cooperation between business activities and biodiversity conservation efforts
Business sector implementing CSR particularly natural resource and environmental management and biodiversity conservation
Regional institutions that support and encourage governments to strengthen ties between and among business communities in national, regional, and global levels
International organizations (including non-government organizations) and others involved in the promotion of business and biodiversity initiatives in Asian countries
Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)


Forum Overview


This forum aims to highlight the best business practices that link business and community partnership in undertaking biodiversity conservation activities, underscore the ability of business sector and other organizations including non-government organizations to support the achievement of key national policy objectives, identify capacity-building needs, and discuss regional support needs and follow-up action that would promote biodiversity conservation.


The forum itself will be based on a strong participatory approach that will support participants to define requirements and plans as far as possible, including the participation of a wide representation of stakeholders. Action plans will be designed to support participants to meet their requirements and plans based on these inputs.


Tentative Programme


This forum is designed to raise awareness among stakeholders and link promotion of business activities with biodiversity conservation through showcasing best practices on partnership between business and community.


Asean Centre for Biodiversity
+63 49 5362865
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