Proceedings of the workshop on Turning Blue: The Role of Cities in Forwarding Blue Carbon Solutions towards Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (EASC2018 Session 1 Workshop 2)
Friday, November 30, 2018
Meeting Documents
Only Available Online
Attended by at least 42 participants representing local government units, national government agencies, academe, private sector, local communities, and other key stakeholder groups, the session aimed to revisit the important role that local governments play in designing and implementing innovative blue carbon solutions. The activity became a venue to discuss and share strategies and programs towards integrated marine resource management.
Fostering an interactive and dynamic interaction amongst the participants, the session employed the Marketplace Activity approach. The resource speakers presented posters highlighting the blue carbon solutions that they are implementing in their respective localities. To enable the participants to directly engage and discuss with the speakers, the plenary was divided into groups and each group was given the chance to visit each poster station. As a culminating activity, the resource speakers and the participants gathered for a panel discussion that summarized the highlights of the session. The panel discussion was also a venue for the participants to express additional questions, insights, ideas, and other pertinent feedback related to the topic of the session.
Key learnings from the workshop centered on recognizing the importance of community participation. The resource speakers noted that local governments should always encourage and solicit the engagement and cooperation of its stakeholders, particularly the local communities who can be tapped as stewards of the marine ecosystems. In addition, the session also put premium on the enforcement of the laws and policies in place. The participants and the speakers agree that ordinances pertaining to fishing activities, harvesting of marine resource, pollution, and others should be strictly enforced at all times. The local government should allocate resources to support the operations of local enforcement groups such as the Bantay Dagat.
Another theme of the discussions is linkages and partnership building. Recognizing that the effects of climate change know no boundaries, the local governments maintained that partnership building with neighboring municipalities, national agencies, academe, private sector, and others is a strategic approach to integrated marine resource management. Inter-LGU cooperation and networking also scales up blue carbon solutions and allows them to pool their resources to expand the coverage of their initiative. A good example for this is the Oriental Mindoro Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network, a province-wide effort to uphold and preserve the biophysical integrity of the seas of Oriental Mindoro.
As a knowledge sharing session, the participants and the resource speakers also discussed key points and considerations for replication of the presented strategies. The resource speakers noted that municipalities should assess their challenges, context, and priorities first before they design their own blue carbon initiatives.
Area-based marine ecosystem management to cope with Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
The session "Area-based Marine Ecosystem Management for the implementation of Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework", held on November 7, 2024, in Xiamen, China, highlighted innovative strategies to advance marine biodiversity conservation across the East Asian Seas. By addressing the Kunming-Montreal targets, including the ambitious 30x30 objective, the session aligned seamlessly with the EAS Congress theme, "Connecting People and Ocean for Resilient and Sustainable Seas."
The event brought together policymakers, researchers, and key stakeholders to foster collaboration, exchange expertise, and explore actionable pathways toward resilient and thriving marine ecosystems. With its focus on regional implementation linked to global biodiversity and ocean sustainability goals, the session contributed meaningfully to SDG 14, reaffirming a shared commitment to safeguarding marine resources for future generations.
Marine Spatial Planning Utilizing a Big Data-driven Policy Simulator
The Marine Spatial Planning Utilizing a Big Data-driven Policy Simulator session addresses the increasing conflicts and overlaps in marine spatial utilization due to intensified activities. It aims to promote integrated marine space management that ensures sustainable and eco-friendly development. Experts from Korea, Japan, China, and Indonesia will share their knowledge on marine spatial management and discuss strategies for international cooperation. The session focuses on leveraging digital twin technology to simulate policy effects, contributing to the development of intelligent marine spatial policy tools for predicting activities and diagnosing policy impacts across the Asian region.
Engaging Stakeholders in River Basin Planning and Risk Management
The Regional Workshop served as a collaborative platform for engaging key stakeholders in advancing Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) strategies across six ASEAN countries namely, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam. This workshop facilitated in-depth discussions on stakeholder dynamics, concerns, and engagement strategies tailored to the unique contexts of each country and their respective river basins. Key objectives included enhancing stakeholder participation in IRBM, and
identifying actionable strategies to improve stakeholder engagement in water resource management. -
State of River Basin Reporting: Establishing the Baseline and Mechanism to Track Progress in the Source to Sea Continuum
The conduct of baseline assessment of the Source-to-Sea (S2S) management continuum with a targeted outcome of improving understanding of governance, socioeconomic, ecological conditions, gaps and needs of priority river basins/sub-basins and associated
coastal areas through the State of River Basin (SORB) reporting system is one of the major outcomes of the implementation of the GEF/UNDP/ASEAN Project on Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) in the ASEAN Countries. The SORB reporting system aims to:a) Establish baseline conditions in a river basin/associated coastal area prior to the startup of the IRBM program, including changes that are climate related;
b) Assess progress, achievements and shortcomings of ongoing IRBM programs by determining changing conditions with respect to governance and social and economic conditions, including gender gaps as well as trends and/or emerging environmental issues; and
c) Develop recommendations for continual improvement of IRBM programs including recommendations on ensuring gender responsiveness and incorporating gender equality, where appropriate for consideration by national and local governments and other relevant stakeholders in each river basin/coastal area.
Strategic Collaboration in Tackling the Triple Planetary Crises in the East Asian Seas Region - Climate Change Impacts; Nature and Marine Biodiversity Loss; Marine Pollution
The world faces the Triple Planetary Crises (TPC)—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—which require integrated solutions rather than isolated approaches. Some solutions may conflict with others, while well-designed strategies can address multiple crises simultaneously. Identifying synergies and trade-offs is essential for effective action.
East Asian Seas countries have committed to tackling these challenges through global and regional frameworks, including the SDGs, KM-GBF, UNFCCC, UNEA, and ASEAN initiatives. However, many marine and coastal projects in the region remain fragmented, lacking coordination and missing opportunities for collaboration. Strengthening partnerships can optimize resources, enhance impact, and avoid duplication of efforts.
This session focuses on the efforts of regional marine environmental institutions in promoting coordination and collaboration for the sustainable governance of the East Asian Seas region. The session brought together strategic partners and stakeholders, including PEMSEA, IUCN, IOC-WESTPAC, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, amongst others, to move towards a future where coordination and integration is standard.