Saravan Adopts Regulations to Clean Up Township
Monday, 5 March 2012

Saravan, Southern Lao PDR — Regulations promoting waste management were adopted by the Saravan province in Southern Lao PDR. These regulations, covering 12 villages in the area, enjoin households to maintain cleanliness and ensure proper waste management at the household level.
To promote better understanding of the regulations, community meetings were held last year at the temple of Nalek village and Watkang primary school. Both meetings were chaired by the deputy director of Saravan Provincial Water Resources and Environment Office (PWREO), Mr. Souban Simmavong, who also leads the committee on Waste Management Project. Mr. Nouxay So-Sengmany, head of WREO of Saravan co-chaired the meetings. About 45 representatives from the province, district, and two target villages (Nalek and Watkang) participated in the meetings.
Mr. So-Sengmany explained the adverse impacts of improperly managed waste on human health and society and encouraged community members to participate in implementing proper waste management in their respective villages. He also emphasized the important role of the village authorities in educating villagers on the proper management of their household waste and in taking part in implementing the waste management project to promote cleanliness and improve the urban landscape of Saravan.
At the end of the meetings, provincial authorities distributed necessary materials for waste management in the two villages, including waste bins, waste management booklets and information posters.
The project is being supported by the GEF, UNDP and PEMSEA. The PWREO expects to hold another meeting in the coming weeks to monitor and evaluate the progress of its activities.
Story prepared by Mr. Kita Keokhamkhoun, Project Management Team member, Saravanne, Lao PDR.