Call for Companies with Coastal and Marine Business in East Asia
Thursday, 26 March 2015

Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) is conducting research to generate insights about sustainable development of coasts and oceans by the private sector and the role of "blue economy" for business in East Asia.
PEMSEA invites companies engaged in coastal or marine activities, operations or investments in East Asia to provide input through a brief online survey at Responses may be submitted until April 24th, 2015.
The Seas of East Asia are incredibly productive, supplying 40 million tons of annual fish catch, producing almost 80% of the world's aquaculture and hosting 9 of the world's 10 busiest container shipping seaports and some of the fastest growing economies in the world. But with coasts and oceans increasingly under pressure—from overfishing, loss of natural coastlines, pollution from land- and ocean-based sources, sea level rise, shifting weather patterns, and other sources—companies face a complex set of issues that cut across industries and geographies, with increasing levels of public scrutiny and accountability for how these issues are managed.
Sustainable development has moved from being "nice to have" to a core, strategic consideration for companies with coastal or marine operations or markets. This research aims to help companies better understand important strategic considerations such as:
What challenges and risks does industry face in sustainable development of coasts and oceans?
How can government and business work together to facilitate blue economy growth?
Where do business leaders see the blue economy heading in the future?
The resulting report will be launched at the East Asian Seas Congress in Danang, Vietnam in November 2015. The findings will serve as a basis for dialogue between senior business leaders and national policymakers. The report will also inform programming for the East Asian Seas Sustainable Business Network, a new forum for business leaders to network with peers and link to science, policy and management best practice for advancing coastal and marine sustainability and shared value growth strategies. Companies participating in the research will receive an advance copy of the report.
For more information about the research and survey, please contact Ryan Whisnant, Head of Professional Services at
About Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA)
PEMSEA is an intergovernmental organization with over 20 years of experience in the region implementing integrated coastal management solutions with national and local governments, companies, development agencies, regional initiatives and scientific institutions. As the regional coordinator for the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA), a marine strategy adopted by 14 countries, PEMSEA has applied integrated coastal management in over 40 sites across the region, impacting more than 27,500 km of coastline and over 146 million people living in coastal and watershed areas. PEMSEA offers integrated solutions to its partners through a set of Advisory, Knowledge, Certification and Facilitation Services designed to support the unique needs in the coastal and marine environment.