Webinar Series: Use of Ecosystem Service Assessments & Valuation in Policy & Decision-Making

Join FREE webinars to hear from leading experts on the valuation of marine and coastal ecosystem services. PEMSEA's webinar series, together with its partners, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), aims to share knowledge about ecosystem services valuation and its application at the local level.
23 June, Thursday, 15:00 Philippines/Central Indonesia/Singapore
The use of ecosystem service assessments and valuation in policy and decision-making
By Dr. Jungho Nam, Korea Maritime Institute (KMI)
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Ecosystem services assessment and valuation have been attracting more attentions among managers, practitioners and decision-makers to deal with coastal and marine planning in more sustainable manners. The application of ecosystem services assessment and valuation is, to limited extent, conducted as the acquisition of data and information and development of valuation methodologies are at the beginning phase at global, regional and national levels. In line with the preparedness, managers, planners and decision-makers feel difficult to put marine ecosystem service assessment and valuation into spatial planning and policy of their own jurisdictional areas. We could begin to apply the service valuation to marine spatial management from analysing existing data and information and available methodologies. Currently developed methodologies or technologies for marine spatial planning are not being able to be applied to some regions or countries whose data and information are not ready to be used for the methodologies and technologies. However, limited data or information can be very useful in supporting decision-making process. This webinar course will provide conceptual framework on spatial planning and management, and how to deal with valuation and its application to the planning and management under limited data and information. For better understanding, pilot cases for spatial valuation and planning in Korea will be demonstrated.
Dr. Nam, Jungho has been working at Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) since 1996, which is a government-affiliated research entity under the Prime Minister’s Office. His researches cover integrated coastal planning, climate change adaptation, marine environment management, marine ecosystem protection, coastal conflict resolution, transboundary marine environmental affairs, official development assistance, marine science and technology application etc. He has contributed to the formulation of marine policies for his government and establishment of legal and institutional mechanisms for sustainable ocean and coasts. He also has been involved in global and regional environmental issues and their related activities, including land-based activities control, marine debris management, coastal watershed management, transboundary protected areas etc. He contributed to activities of PEMSEA, COBSEA, NOWPAP, YSLME and World Ocean Forum. He served members of National Commission on Sustainable Development and National Commission on Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. He is serving members of National Committee on Coastal Management & National Committee on Land Use Regulation, and has been leading Marine Ecosystem Service Research Network of Korea (MESN Korea).
Participation to this webinar requires registration as slots are limited. If you are having difficulty registering, kindly send your inquiries to blue_economy@pemsea.org.