Past Event

Webinar: The Behavior Change Approach for Coastal Resource and Fisheries Management

Online Webinar

12 Dec 2017 10:00 AM to 12 Dec 2017 11:00 AM
Celebrating Earth Day amidst COVID-19

Join this ​​FREE ​45-​minute webinar to ​learn about the Behavior Change Approach and how it is being used to address overfishing and various other threats in the coastal municipalities of the Philippines.


  • What is Behavior Change and how is it applied in environmental resource management?
  • Using Behavior Change in nearshore fisheries management – a wicked problem
  • Theory of change in action: a case in the Municipality of Tinambac, Philippines
  • The future outlook of Behavior Change and Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment

One of the biggest threats to environmental resource management and conservation is human behavior. People act both on reason and emotion. Rare, an environment organization, will introduce how social science and behavioral insights coupled with policy, governance, and other elements of coastal resource and fisheries management advance its work to help coastal communities. Learn about the case of the municipality of Tinambac, one of the sites implementing Rare’s global program called “Fish Forever”. The strategy combines behavior change approaches and the designation of managed access areas, where local residents who comply with strict regulations are given exclusive fishing rights, with the protection of marine sanctuaries or no-take zones where marine life are given the chance to reproduce and repopulate the surrounding waters.


Rare recently launched the Center for Behavior & the Environment – a new initiative and virtual online platform designed to catalyze widespread adoption of more sustainable behaviors, bridging the gap between the science of human motivation and decision-making and the practice of environmental protection. Through partnerships with leading academic and research institutions, such as the Stanford School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Services, the Yale Applied Cooperation Team, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS), The Center will translate human behavioral science into practical solutions for conservationists and development practitioners worldwide. With three primary objectives – showcasing bright spots, emphasizing field-based learning, and facilitating high impact training and delivery – the Center will actively align Rare’s signature Pride methodology, applied to programs such as Fish Forever, with cutting edge insights into human behavioral science.


Tuesday, December 12

9:00 am Cambodia/Lao PDR/Thailand/Vietnam/Western Indonesia
10:00 am China/Central Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines/Singapore
11:00 am Eastern Indonesia/Japan/RO Korea/Timor Leste






Fel Ceasar Cadiz, Director for Behavior Adoption and Training (BeAT), Rare Philippines
Fel's principal role is to design and implement various research-driven social marketing and behavior change campaigns in 21 Fish forever sites across the country. His current work focuses on the application of behavior science in improving fishery practices and fishers’ reputation, engaging people’s desire to contribute to social good and training government staff, academe and development workers to apply behavior change tactics and social marketing approaches.


Kevin Green, Lead for Center for Behavior & the Environment 
Kevin works closely with Rare’s leadership, staff and partners to integrate state-of-the-art science about human motivation and decision-making into the execution of conservation programs worldwide. He has trained practitioners across the U.S., Latin America and Asia in qualitative and quantitative social research methods and behavior-centered design of conservation campaigns whose success hinges on communities adopting new, sustainable norms and behaviors.


Kevin is a faculty member of the Kinship Conservation Fellows program and a Senior Fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program.


Rare is an innovative conservation organization that implements proven conservation solutions and trains local leaders in communities worldwide. Through its signature behavior change campaigns (called Pride campaigns), Rare inspires people to take pride in the species and habitats that make their community unique, while also introducing practical alternatives to environmentally destructive practices. Employees of local governments or non-profit organizations receive extensive training on fisheries management, campaign planning and social marketing to communities. They are equipped to deliver community-based solutions based on natural and social science, while leveraging policy and market forces to accelerate positive environmental change through programs in clean water, sustainable agriculture, and coastal fisheries. To learn more about Rare, please visit

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