GEF SGP China 2011 Call for Proposals
PR China

UNDP/Global Environment Facility's Small Grants Programme, China (UNDP/GEF SGP China) announces the 2011 "call for proposals" to award US$500,000 totally this year with US$10,000 to US$50,000 for each the most innovative initiatives in various GEF focal areas.
Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme China supports NGOs/CBOs implementing projects on biodiversity conservation, climate change abatement, protection of international waters, prevention of land degradation, and reduction of the impact of POPs while generating sustainable livelihood.
UNDP/Global Environment Facility's Small Grants Programme, China (UNDP/GEF SGP China) announces the 2011 "call for proposals" to award US$500,000 totally this year with US$10,000 to US$50,000 for each the most innovative initiative in the following GEF focal areas:
Protection of international waters
Prevention of land degradation
Elimination and reduction chemical pollution activities (including POPs, mercury and other heavy metals)
Multifocal areas
Time Framework:
Call for proposals: 9 September – 24 October 2011
Review and select proposals: 25 October – 25 November 2011
Publish selected proposals: after 25 November 2011
Duration of projects: 1-3 years after date of contract
Non-governmental or non-profit organizations registered with civil affair departments in PR China
NGOs or NPOs with capacity of designing, preparing, managing and implementing projects directly
For full details concerning eligibility criteria and guidelines for applications, please download the
China Country Programme Strategy (CPS) and Guidelines for Project Proposals from:
For more detail about GEF-SGP, please go to:
Ms. Liu Yi
Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme China