Coral Triangle Initiative Regional Business Forum
Royal Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

With an area size of 5.7 million square kilometres, the Coral Triangle is known as the richest area of marine life in the world. It generates about US$3 billion from fisheries exports and coastal tourism each year and about 120 million people depend on the sea for their livelihood. However, this area is facing increasing threat from over fishing, pollution and unsustainable coastal development over the last few years. Although the Coral Triangle is an area of hope, it is also an area in distress.
There is an urgent need to raise awareness on the importance of the Coral Triangle and the need to ensure the economic and ecosystem sustainability of the area for future generations. The forum will highlight how smart partnerships between the public and private sectors can strengthen coastal and marine resource governance and management.
This forum is organised by the Malaysian Government with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) and the CTI Malaysia National Coordinating Committee. It is also held in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI).
Engage business and industry leaders in developing innovative solutions that are both profitable and sustainable for the Coral Triangle region;
Promote networking and collaboration among the private sector, CT Member countries, NGOs and international institutions to address green investment opportunities for increased economic growth
Enable new partnerships between the private and public sectors that foster shared goals for sustainable marine resources; and
Ensure continuous commitment from key sectors in supporting CT Member countries’ goals, shared vision and initiative towards achieving sustainable development.
Business Forum Highlights
The 2011 CTI Regional Business Forum will provide real-world examples on:
The latest innovative technologies from Google, Maxis and Nokia that are being used to successfully manage marine resources;
Highlights from existing public-private partnerships in the region that have demonstrated results;
Industry models and best practices that reduce carbon emissions, improve sustainability of the resources and increases profits;
Innovations to increase food security throughout the region; and
Creative financing strategies that encourage green investment at the national and local level
Registration Fee
Full Registration: RM500.00 (Local) / US$170 (Foreign)
Educational Institutions : RM250.00 (Local) / US$85 (Foreign)
Syed Mohd Khalil b Syed Mahmood
+63 3 2093 4859