Manila Bay Coastal Strategy


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Monday, October 01, 2001






The Manila Bay Coastal Strategy provides a comprehensive environmental management framework, targeted outcomes and a series of action programs involving the participation of both government and non-government sectors. This Coastal Strategy is a document that covers the social, economic and environmental aspects of Manila Bay in relation to people’s values, and threats - real or perceived - that impair those values. To turn this knowledge and concern into action, it is apparent that the combined effort of government and civil society are required. These efforts involve changing the attitude and behavior of people. This is no small task, and the Coastal Strategy takes on this challenge by tasking every level of society with the responsibility of managing the Bay. Most significantly, the Manila Bay Coastal Strategy provides a comprehensive environmental management framework, targeted outcomes and a series of actions programs involving the participation of both government and non-government sectors. The key to moving toward the shared vision is the development of partnerships among the stakeholders, and the synergy of efforts of many different players with different skills and perspectives. At the end of the day, any action program within the Coastal Strategy, whether taken up by an individual, a community or sector, represents a contribution to the realization of the shared vision for Manila Bay.