Views: Publication - Meeting Documents
  • A Study on the Status of Compliance of the Philippine Domestic Merchant Fleet with the MARPOL 73/78 Convention

    The GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas conducted a national workshop on the Ratification and Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 Convention in the Philippines on 9-10 June 1997. A National Action Plan was developed by the workshop participants who represented the major stakeholders in the Philippine maritime industry. The National Action Plan specifically identified issues and proposed actions to be undertaken by concerned agencies in the ratification and implementation of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention. One of the action items considered as a priority was establishing baseline data on the status of compliance of the Philippine domestic fleet with MARPOL. The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) was identified as the lead agency for the study. The study revealed that the majority of the domestic merchant fleet have complied with the basic equipment requirements of Annex I. However, with the MARPOL 1992 amendments, which will enter into force on 6 July 1998, the reduced oil content for discharges from machinery spaces to less that 15 ppm will result in a large number of domestic vessels being out of compliance. The study also noted that shore reception facilities were a vital component of the compliance requirements of MARPOL.


  • Proceedings of the National Workshop on IMO Conventions for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution

    The National Workshop on IMO Conventions for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution was held at Meeting Room No. 2, Ministry of Transport, 80-Tran Doa St., Hanoi, from 21 to 22 April 1997, and at Meeting Hall B, Saigon Port, 3 Nguyen Tat Thanh St., District 4, Ho Chi Minh City, from 24 to 25 April 1997. The workshop was co-sponsored by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Viet Nam Bureau of Maritime Affairs (VINAMARINE). Financial support for the workshop was provided by the Government of Norway. Participants from various government offices and agencies attended the two-day workshops, as well as representatives from shipping companies, port authorities, Petrovietnam and the Viet Nam Maritime University. A total of 109 participants attended the sessions. The workshop was co-chaired by Mr. Vuong Dinh Lam, Director, International Cooperation Department, VINAMARINE, and Mr. Adrian Ross, IMO Regional Programme Office, Manila, Philippines.


  • Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting on the Malacca Straits Demonstration Project

    This publication summarizes the results of the Malacca Straits Consultative Meeting, held at the Tambuli Beach Villa, Cebu, Philippines, from 12 to 13 March 1997. The Meeting was organized by the GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas. The meeting was organized to review the risk assessment report and determine the 1997 work plan follow-on activities for the Malacca Straits Demonstration Project. This publication is a product of the Regional Workshop on Operational Oil Spill Modeling with Special Reference to the Malacca Straits, held in Pusan, RO Korea, from 31 May to 3 June 1996. The workshop was organized in cooperation with the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI), the Republic of Korea, and the Subcommission for the Western Pacific of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (WESTPAC/IOC).


  • Sustainable Financing Mechanisms: Public Sector-Private Sector Partnership

    This publication summarizes the Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Sustainable Financing Mechanisms for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution: Public Sector - Private Sector Partnership, held in Manila, Philippines, from 14 to 16 November 1996, the conclusions and recommendations developed and adopted by the gathering, and the technical papers that were presented during the three-day event. The conclusions and recommendations focus on the roles and responsibilities of government, international agencies, donors, investors/lenders, and the private sector for promoting and advancing the environmental industry throughout the East Asian Seas. The GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme was challenged to continue the development and adoption of public sector - private sector partnerships and to demonstrate practical applications of this approach in the East Asian region, particularly at the local level.


  • Proceedings of the Third Programme Steering Committee Meeting

    This publication summarizes the results of the Third Programme Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting of the GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas (RAS/92/G34), held at the Forum Fairlane Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 10 to 12 December 1996. The Meeting was hosted by the Government of Malaysia. The Meeting was attended by delegates from the eleven participating countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, as well as observers representing the Government of Japan, the Malacca Strait Council, the Japan Association of Marine Safety, the Coastal Management Center, the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), the Maritime Institute of Malaysia, and the Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED).



  • Proceedings of the IMO/APCEL/MPA Workshop on the Ratification and Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 in the East Asian Seas

    The IMO/APCEL/MPA Workshop on the Ratification and Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 was held at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore from 30 October to 1 November 1996. The workshop was co-sponsored by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Asia-Pacific Center for Environmental Law (APCEL) and the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore. Financial support for the workshop was provided by the Government of Norway. Participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines and Viet Nam attended. The workshop was co-chaired by Mr. Robert Beckman, APCEL and Mr. Adrian Ross, IMO.


  • Oil Spill Modelling in the East Asian Region with Special Reference to the Malacca Straits

    This proceedings is a product of the Regional Workshop on Operational Oil Spill Modelling with Special Reference to the Malacca Straits, held in Pusan, the Republic of Korea, from 31 May to 3 June 1996. The workshop was organized by the GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas (MPP-EAS), in cooperation with the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI), the Republic of Korea, and the Subcommission for the Western Pacific of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (WESTPAC/IOC). To prevent and reduce marine pollution, the MMP-EAS has been developing demonstration projects for the application of the integrated coastal management system and working models for multinational cooperation in international waters. The workshop is part of the efforts to develop scientific tools and techniques for improving the management of marine pollution. Its specific objective is to foster regional and subregional cooperation in oil spill modelling as an effective tool for contingency planning and responses. With the participation of 50 scientists and managers from 10 countries of the East Asian region, the workshop has packaged and evaluated the experience of the region and identified future directions in the development and application of operational oil spill models. These results have been incorporated in the proceedings. The proceedings has three major components: an executive summary, papers presented, and conclusions and recommendations made by the workshop. The executive summary, together with the annexes, outlines the events and processes of the workshop.


  • Lessons learned from successes and failures of integrated coastal management initiatives : summary proceedings of the International Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in Tropical Developing

    Despite the priority attention given to ICM, very little information on lessons learned from past experiences has been systematically compiled and analyzed. To help fill this information gap, the International Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in Tropical Developing Countries: Lessons Learned from Successes and Failures was conducted. The workshop, held in Xiamen, People's Republic of China, from May 24-28, 1996, brought together many of the world's leading experts on ICM, some of whom are pioneers on the ICM concept; members of international organizations promoting ICM; and novice practitioners. This publication contains the summary of the working sessions. More importantly, it contains the report of the main findings of the workshops, that is, "Enhancing the Success of Integrated Coastal Management: Good Practices for the Formulation, Design and Implementation of Integrated Coastal Management," based on the contributions of the participants.


  • Marine Pollution Monitoring and Information Management Network: Inception Workshop

    The Marine Pollution Monitoring and Information Management Inception Workshop was held at the Manila Galleria Suites, Pasig City, Philippines, on 8-10 April 1996. It was attended by representatives from ten countries. Also present were Mr. Kevin McGrath, the UNDP Resident Representative, Dr. Chua Thia-Eng, the IMO Regional Programme Manager, and Dr. Gil S. Jacinto, the Marine Pollution Monitoring and Information Management (MPMIM) Network Coordinator.